Two days ago, it was a good day, started off a little anxious, calamed myself down, got out into the sun and started feeling better. The whole day was a good day. I was laughing, smiling, feeling good inside. Then the next day (yesterday), man, what a bad day. Woke up feeling anxious, then my physical symptoms took control and I was off...everything was wrong, how I was feeling, I had myself convinced I was sick and everything was wrong. I tried calming my self dowm, didn't work. By dinner time, I was a mess, I had a huge panic attack, lasted about 20 minutes, cried, anxious, after that, I settled dowm then went to bed. Today, I seem ok, am I going nuts??? Anyone get this....I was really scared how much control these thoughts have, especially how the physical symptoms can just manifest itself and away you go, but I can't give up right? Thanks for listening.