Hey Diva,
First and foremost, dont be upset at your last presentation. Remember, if we fail that is not a bad thing. See that failure as a blessing....something you can look back at and learn from for the next time. I know you are afraid. I know you feel guilty for the last experience. But please try to reverse your thoughts on this. Try to see it as something that can make you stronger by trying AGAIN. And you know what, it does not have to be perfect ( i always want to make sure my presenations are perfect with the top grade lol).... but we really have to just TRY OUR BEST. So really, no matter what happens, look back and say "i did it, and i tried my best for today....Maybe next time i can even try harder!!"
I want you to also keep in mind that you are not the only one who is going to be anxious for presenting. It is a fact that lots of people get anxious from presenting in front of others, and even writing exams makes every human being anxious. Its just certain things in life that we must face, and that make us anxious. Now of course, our levels of anxiety may be higher than others in our class. But that is ok, we must accept ourselves the way it is and know that we will work on it!
I suggest visualization. A day before the presentation (if you havn't already presented)lay down and close your eyes. Just imagine what YOU WANT TO HAPPEN. Imagine yourself presenting a wonderful presentation and you professor being really impresed by it. Imagine your anxiety level down. Feel that sense of calmness and alertness in your body. Really make it real! And do this again before you present. Believe me, this works miracles. What you visualize in the mind (and truly believe it) will actually happen!
Trust yourself and dont be hard on yourself.
We are all here for you girl.
You can do this no matter how anxious you are!
Let me know how it goes! ;)