Thank you for your responses Moochela and Diva. I guess I can at this stage relate to Diva as I tend to use the positive self talk after doing a difficult thing, so it could be say a task, an exam and even an exposure theraphy event.
So say I do this event with no hiccups, I rarely congratulate myself for doing a task well done. I almost take it for granted that the event shoud have gone well and I think in that I am being hard on myself self. But on the other hand if the task does not go well, I do not use positive self-talk as I find it artificial, and this is what I wanted to know, does it help using positive self talk when things don't go well though it may seem artificial. Diva I think you have mentioned it does at times.
I used to in the past recall frequently any failed experiences in my mind, so a task not well done. So I gathered in the last few weeks that by doing so, I think my brain hasn't got enough memory of successful outcomes, but tons of negative experiences.
As the positive self -talk at times seems artificial at times , I am learning to let go immediately a negative experience and look for more successful outcomes daily or experiences and think about it during that day with the hope that my mind will hopefully have more positive experiences to anchor on. I've been using this for the last 2 weeks and I have found it to be useful. I just tell myself , I have no time for these not so helpful experiences. ( I tend not to use the term bad as that term is a negative, if you know what I mean) .
If anyone has done this, has it improved their outlook in life and reduced anxiety in the long-term?? I really believe this can work, since our brains are like computers, if we feed it garbage, anxiety provoking situations, negative experiences, it will only be able to recall what we feed.
Thank you Moochela and Diva for comments earlier and have a good day. :)