Like Diva said, you can develop new symptoms and I think it always happens just as soon as you get used to the old ones. My anxiety comes and goes and each time new worries emerge, old ones fade, new symptoms appear and old ones may stick around as well. I have found that I worry most about dying, especially from heart related problems. I fear having a heart arrythmia, heart attack, blood clots, etc. and it has been very hard to overcome. I have had a heart catherization/electrophysiology study, EKG's, a CT Scan of my heart, and all have come back normal but I still have this fear. My best advice is to get a grip on it now before you end up worrying about something that is totally out of your control. Just do what you can to keep your heart healthy (proper diet, exercise, reduce stress) and leave the rest to fate. I wish I could take my own advice LOL. Good luck with everything.