Hi there!
Can you tell us a little about your job? What is your position, your hours what you do in a day ect. ect.
I totally understand what you are talking about! Maybe instead of going on leave or finding a new job, we can help you with the elements of your day that you are finding unbearable.
You know, I started a new job in the past few months and I have to admit, I phoned in sick my SECOND DAY! I came home from work after my first day and was so worked up about the stress of the new job, how my anxiety would be at this job, what would happen if I failed at this job, yadda yadda yadda that I caused myself to get physically sick to my stomach (and other ends... lol not a nice picture) and terrible sweats. I was convinced it was the flu and even if it was, I let myself think my anxiety was beating me.
Then, slowly, I started back to work and began to feel more confident and a little more sure of myself and found myself enjoying my days.
A new job is terribly daunting especially when we have anxiety already! Did you know that even for people with anxiety, starting a new job or career is listed as one of the top three major stressors in one's life.
I took that knowledge and made a concious decision to take care of myself, pamper myself and most of all, not worry about the large amounts of stress I was feeling. Extreme stress in a new job is NORMAL because you are in a new environment (for us anxiety people, that is like the biggest obstacle), we are with new people and doing new tasks that we aren't familiar with. You are completely out of your comfort zone and are overwhelmed! THAT IS OKAY! You are going to be FINE!! Try and take this experience of how your anxiety is making you so much stronger because you are doing something that is so new, unfamiliar and stressful! Your anxiety is normal and when you start a new job, it feels like it is back stronger than ever (even if it was there to start with) and i bet you are so devastated that you percieve yourself failing at a new job.
YOU AREN"T FAILING! Our anxiety responses are so exaggerated at times that it feels like any anxiety we feel is horrible and so wrong. Actually, some anxiety can help motivate you to be an excellent employee!
This is what I did to get through the