Thanks for posting. Posting here is a great strategy for when you are struggling. You are not in this alone! I also suggest using the keyword search to find threads that interest you. We have tons of great content on this site that can help you through your quit.
Most importantly, congrats on making it through a whole month! You are past the most difficult month. That's amazing! $480 dollars saved is also great. That will be almost 3000 in six months! How do you plan on spending this money? I suggest something that would make you very happy like a trip or something else you would really enjoy. You will have certainly deserved it.
Stay strong and please post as often as you like,
Hi Megr,
Hang in there. Soon it will be a lot easier on you. Congratulations on making it through your first month as a NON-SMOKER!!! ?
You might find it hard to believe right now, as you're struggling with this, but the worst is behind you. Your body has been cleansed of all of the nicotine it had in it, your body has started the healing process from the damage, and now it's the mental fight you're dealing with. Distractions are good. Have you tried doing anything that were never able to do as a smoker yet? Changing your routine helps too. Just keep doing different things and soon you'll realize that it is getting easier and the cravings are fewer and farther apart.
Have you been reading any of the posts in here yet? There are a number of good things to help you on your quit journey.
WOW, $480 already, that's impressive. Be sure and spend some of it on yourself as a reward for your efforts.
Stay strong...
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 801 Hours: 15
Minutes: 55 Seconds: 0
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked
I wanted to post again today as it is a distraction. It is also a distraction thinking about what to post.
It is still very hard and sometimes I am afraid that I want one. My metre says that I have saved over $480 so far, so that makes me feel good.
Thank you
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 78 Hours: 19
Minutes: 25 Seconds: 49
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked