Thank you for replying Foxman.
I haven't looked into taking anything. I will look into Chantix. I was using the ecig last time but I don't think that helped at all. It made me was smokes more haha.
I have some emotional support from my friends and gf but it is hard as they still all drink. I will consider looking into more support
Thanks again!
grapeseed @ Jun 19, 2021 6:41:24 PM
I have made it past three months. I feel so much better. I am confident that I can stick with it. I now want to quit smoking. I haven't set a quit date yet. I am a tad bit nervous as I use cigarettes to cope with stress. I also used alcohol to cope with stress when I was drinking. I have been managing with exercise and talking to my gf. I hope I am able to stay off the alcohol while I quit smoking.
It feels really good to have my life back on track. I can't wait to be smoke free. It is such a nasty habit.
Has anyone quit smoking and alcohol around the same time? Any tips or thoughts?
Thanks in advance
I as part of the inventory process in AA realized I am hurting myself and the people around me so I reached upto the same doctor who helped me get into AA. He prescribed Chantix and it worked for me. It did make me cranky a bit. I am not sure if it was the medication or just the withdrawal symptoms from losing another friend. Luckily for me my desire to stay sober kicked in well before I started the process so, I dont remember if I felt any urge to drink. Because by that time I started the quitting of smoking process I was firmly established in the program and the fellowship of AA.
I would encourage you to see if you emotional support groups or other groups around where you live.
I have made it past three months. I feel so much better. I am confident that I can stick with it. I now want to quit smoking. I haven't set a quit date yet. I am a tad bit nervous as I use cigarettes to cope with stress. I also used alcohol to cope with stress when I was drinking. I have been managing with exercise and talking to my gf. I hope I am able to stay off the alcohol while I quit smoking.
It feels really good to have my life back on track. I can't wait to be smoke free. It is such a nasty habit.
Has anyone quit smoking and alcohol around the same time? Any tips or thoughts?
Thanks in advance