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18 years ago 0 189 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Cool! I am leaving at 4:00am Saturday morning. I look forward to hearing from you! I am seriously going to miss everyone here, I've have spent a ton a time on here today. I think I'm going to have withdrawls! BTW, took the xanax 2 days in a row- and did absolutely nothing for me, so it's best that I leave it at that! I guess I will experience everything full throttle! (help me! :blush:)
18 years ago 0 49 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Got it and will do! Thanks Alison, those are very comforting words about how we overestimate the chances of bad things happening and underestimate our ability to deal with them... it is so true! I will keep focused on how minor this is - and this is just life, I am fortunate to only have this minor problem, when lots of folks have much more serious ones. I am just going to go on with my life and deal with whatever it throws me :) Thanks again. When are you leaving on your trip? I hope you have a fantastic time! Kick back, relax and enjoy the weather down there!
18 years ago 0 189 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Wowzers, that's a lot of information for someone who thinks like we do! Well, take a deep breath and take hold of a thought that has helped me many times. "We dramatically overestimate the chances of bad things happening to us and dramatically underestimate are our ability to deal with it." So, gallstones are pretty common, I think I've heard of them being able to dissolve them through lazer technology of some sort without a whole of invaseness. I actually just got my nails done the other day by a lady who got her gallbladder out and took just a few days off from work. She recovered very quickly. So thinking about this rationaly, think through the whole scenario and how it will go. You don't have a horrible disease here you just MIGHT have to undergo a minor prodecure or surgery. I've also seen a homeopathic doctor several times, you could also consider this. They often have surprisingly simple effective solutions. Do not let your mind get carried away, this is no big deal. Doesn't it just always seem that when you are really trying hard to get better you get hit with these things! Hang in there!
18 years ago 0 49 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey - I'm still here... how about you?
18 years ago 0 49 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Alison. Thanks for the info. I'll try to make it out to one of them, right now the ADAM group is keeping me busy with meetings and homework! I'm feeling really anxious right now, as I got my test results back from the doctor regarding the intense abdominal pain I was having. He said my liver isn't working properly and I have Hepatitis - that totally freaked me out! But he did clarify that it's not viral Hepatitis (the kind you catch from someone or something) but just an irritation of the liver caused he thinks by my gallbladder. He thinks I have gallstones blocking things and causing the pain and the liver problems. He said it was very common, but it could be potentially dangerous if I get an infection. So I have to see a surgeon who he said will likely remove either the stones or my entire gallbladder. He wasn't sure if they used general or local anaesthetic, but thought it might be local and may not involve opening me up per se, but perhaps an endoscopy. I must admit, I am trying very hard not to cry or get overwhelmed, I know it's common, so that means it's no big deal right?? I am just so terrified of anaesthetic and surgery. I am trying to think positive - minor surgery only, lots of people have it, I'll be just fine... do i sound like someone needs to convince me?!! Does anyone know anything about gallstones and the liver? I just keep jumping to worst case scenarios where I need a liver transplant and can't find a match... it's so ridiculous I know, I've just always been so healthy (how ironic is that considering I'm a hypochondriac!!!) I've never had a single serious health issue in my life... Any words of reassurance would be GREATLY appreciated!! :confuse: :8o:
18 years ago 0 189 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
it's 5:00 Friday, are you still on?
18 years ago 0 189 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello, how are you doing? Just wanted to let you know that at Wellness Institute (attached to Seven Oaks Hospital on Leila) there are free informational/speaker nights in November. The topics range from the basics of anxiety disorders, homoeopathic medicines and anxiety to its's impact on family, friends, and work. If you call them they will send you their "Fall Wellness Program Guide." Just so you know! :) Take care.

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