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9 years ago 0 11 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks for asking, K. I feel hesitant to write about this because I blew it on Thursday. My husband got home from work late and we just went out to eat as usual and of course, I drank. He called on the way home from work yesterday to ask if I'd like a bottle of wine and at least I said no to that and was sober last night. He is supportive of my efforts but I don't think he sees how much of a problem I really have. He drinks as well, but not heavily. I think it may be hard for him to believe I have a problem when I seem fine in all other ways.
9 years ago 0 28 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Annes how did Thursday go for you?
9 years ago 0 421 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Jacklad---me too. I had a horrible self talk thing going.  I was less than dirt....I was desparate to be dead. And its a sad state to be in and you feel really alone. I couldn't look in the mirror either.   Again, I am just so thankful I found this site and all of you! :-)
Annes---Thursday is a trigger for you it seems.  I understand that you have a habit of going out with your husband and getting drunk. What does he do? Is he drinking along with you?  Does he know you have these feelings and are wanting to stop? I think a strong partner is really helpful.  Accountablity is key.  We drinkers are the very best I know at justifying our drinking. I know because I do it too.  But, here's the thing....the best thing you can do is stay away from it for a bit.  See how you are already 5 days in! That's great!  If you get past tonight think of how strong you'll feel. Seriously, it's empowering to choose NOT to drink. As I said---love yourself. Who needs a freaking hangover anyway??  Sober is catching...share with your posts here and help yourself and it will help others. Good luck and hang in there.
9 years ago 0 11 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you to all of you for all of your posts; your words help me know that not only am I not alone, but that you really do understand the struggle and have some pretty amazing perspectives to share. So today is Day 5 for me. It is also Thursday. Which might seem unimportant except that I can muddle along, alcohol free, for only the first few days of the week. Then Thursday arrives and I get this crazy feeling of deserving something good, something relaxing and definitely, some alcohol. I tell myself it's been a really long week and that I've worked hard. I go out to eat with my husband and drink several glasses of wine in a row and I enjoy every minute of it. Until the middle of the night, of course, when I wake up, unable to sleep further and full of shame and sadness. I have done this over and over. So today it's my goal, Thursday or not, to eat dinner at home and stay sober. And to somehow get through this first weekend without returning to the miserable trap that alcohol creates for me. I try to remind myself to take it one day at a time, but really, I am dreading the next few days. It's so hard to trust myself.
9 years ago 0 315 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Loving your self is so true. Near the end of my drinking I hated my self. My favorite saying was Fuuk my life. I was a lyer, thief and a cheat. Now I can look in mirror and not want to smash it. Yesterday is gone let the resentments go, today is here live with anger and tomorrow in unknown face it without fear.
9 years ago 0 421 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi everyone! This is a very interesting discussion. I've read all the posts.  Here's my opinion....
First of all, I too have been on rock bottom. I was ready to take my life this past summer. It seemed the right thing to do for my familiy because I couldn't see a way out of the "grave" so to speak I'd gotten myself into.  I had it justified in my mind---they'll be sad for a while but, ultimately better off because I am so "bad" that I can't be "fixed" and they will just have memories of me and blah, blah,'s white noise basically.  It's BS.  Really. NO your family and friends are not better off without you.  You are trying to stop drinking. You are trying to better your mental self and your body too. I think that alcohol is poison.  It has a way of tricking your brain into thinking really messed up thoughts....and just because you haven't been drinking for a few day's after a binge or if you were drinking every takes a little while for the alcohol to clear out of your brain. BUT--once you let the dust settle you will feel better and be able to think more clearly.  I just had a stumble last week.  But, I don't discount all the sober days I've had since starting here this summer. It has been the best decision I've made to share here, make friends and get support from people that know where I'm coming from. So, Annes, Cryptkeeper, K and Hors controle, and Dook (if I missed someone I'm sorry) there is help and you can get better.  Jakelad is right...there are people that care. His story is very inspiring!  Here's the may stumble along the way but, if you keep trying your getting better all the time, every day.  It took a long, LONG time to get to this point in your life.  It will take a while to straighten it out.  Whether with moderation or totally staying away....your choice and you are in control of it.  Alcohol is a monster and I look at it as that. Like it has a body and it makes me shutter.  Listen...we didn't become problem drinkers because of self love.  We did so because of self hate.  Start loving yourself (very good advise some of the wise folks on this site recently reminded me of). Love yourself first, be kind to your soul and your body will follow.  I'm not being religious.---we all have our inner peace/soul. We see it in ourselfs when we have enough time sober to love ourself again. And if you are like me....when you start to love yourself that's when you are most dangerous to yourself  because we have so much we feel like we have to "make up for" that we can't cut ourselves a break.  Well, I'm here to tell you---everyone has crap they wish they could take back.  Everyone has a history.  Shake it off. Love yourself more.  BTW---You'll find that the longer you stay away from booze the better your skin looks...and it's a great weightloss plan too!  Peace to you all!
9 years ago 0 315 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
David there is a solution. 

9 years ago 0 20 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
This is the truth cryptkeeper. I couldn't agree w you is the devil especially with people who can lose all control over it. Sometimes you have to just realize it before its too late. Im working on that. 
9 years ago 0 154 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Jakelad and everyone else in this string.  Rock bottom. Yep, am there now. Attempt suicide. Yep, 4 times in 4 years.  I can relate to your mindset and experience.  I chose my forum name as "cryptkeeper" for good reason.  Basically, it means at any given time I have one foot in the grave and the other on planet earth.That is the daily (hourly) struggle I and others face.  Good days?  Bad days?  Terrible days? Hopeful days? Indifferent days? Can't remember days? Booze is a liquid demon, plain and simple. It can turn intelligent, caring people into animals, with little or no self-control.  But, I also use "cryptkeeper" as a forum name to hopefully aid others, in whatever small way I can, from entering the crypt prematurely.
I haven't totally quit drinking, so I am not one bit different or special than anyone else in this forum or others who read these forums. I have quit for periods of 6 weeks or more several times over the past 5 years. Why do I allow this disease free access to my brain and earthly life and loved ones?  Well, number 1, I'm selfish.  Number 2, I enjoy the "buzz" of having several drinks...I truly do, because it allows me to forget or shut off temporarily all that clamor going on in my brain...even if it is for a few short hours. I pay dearly for those short pleasure moments the next day and days after that.  Makes no sense whatsoever to a clear minded person.
I am at rock bottom, however, because of the grace of God I am still able to use my mind to write this.
So, with good reason, one might ask how I can help you?   The simple answer is I cannot.  However, there is One, God, our spiritual Father, a higher power who is completely aware of each and every one of our thoughts and nitty-gritty daily experiences. Who was it that denied the grave of my soul after 4 suicide attempts?  Who is it that allows us to hit rock bottom?  NB:  Some of us need to learn the hard way.  Doesn't matter.
Tonight or perhaps some other clear night, look at the stars and the magnitude of our universe, with its myriad of galaxies and stars.  You decide for yourself whether you believe He is preparing us to ultimately take care of His creation, with a love that is unconditional and immeasurable, using life experiences, yes, including alcoholism to bring us that point.
I am thoroughly convinced that we are not simply on earth with this one pukey body and brain for maybe 80-85 years if we are fortunate.  We must expand our thinking beyond this fleshly experience.  I have much more to share, but if in any way I have offended someone, I apologize.
With love,
9 years ago 0 315 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My life was going well, seemed to have everything under control. Stopped my the bar for "quick drink". Told the bar tender to make it a double and 3 hrs later I left to go to another bar with "new friends". At 4am I called the woman that thought I was go straight home. That is just one story, I have a 100 as I am sure you do also. But the question is, Have you hit rock bottom? Are you willing to do anything to get and stay sober? Till you can say yes to both questions you are not ready.
I lost it all wife, kids, house, cars, boats and my will to live. March 9 2014 I tried to kill myself because I was so messed up that dying seemed to be the best plan I could come up with. March 10 I asked for help and became humble enough to take the help. So far I have been sober since and each day I seem to be getting more content. 

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