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Making irrational thoughts rational?

9 years ago 0 28 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Ashley, To start with this support site has been very helpful and inspirational. It's been a week since I drank and feel Great. I read your post last night and didn't want to reply right away because it is a great thought provoking exercise to challenge your beliefs. I re-read my post several times and probably overanalyzed it but I would say I still believe 95% of it is true. I however have self doubt and having a sense of disappointment in myself. Disappointed I let my drinking out of control and keep saying "if" I just did this "if" I just stopped that night "if" I just do this in the future... blah, blah, blah. I know it's a crock of "****". I knew and know now I needed to stop drinking for a long time before something really, really bad happened. I know one of the "statements" that is going to be hard is that I am a social person, like going out, like activities being busy, "but" they always seemed to be revolved around drinking or drinking after the activity. I'm going to miss that aspect of the "drinking me". I know I need to learn healthy alternatives, it's a big world out there. Done a lot of reading, lot of thinking and need to dig deep and keep digging deep inside me to know my triggers and "why" I drank so much and to continue the path I'm on. Really need to think more about this one... great question. Tx Kirk
9 years ago 0 11219 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Kirk,

I am so impressed that you are able to identify these as thoughts that are not serving you or your family. It takes a lot to recognize unhelpful thoughts, especially when it may feel easier just to believe them.

You sound like a very insightful person. I wonder how you would challenge these thoughts? On a scale of 0-100% how true are those thoughts? Where are they not true? If you could control your thoughts, what would you want to believe as a healthier alternative to what you wrote?
Ashley, Health Educator
9 years ago 0 28 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Dave for the supporting feedback. One of the toughest most embarrassing weeks of my life. I hope my brain is being re-wired for the better and know I'm on a low right now- trying to take a deep breathe. You are spot on about the toxic "drinking" buddies. When you realize the "only" time you talk to them is when you have a drink in your hand something isn't right! Tx- Kirk
9 years ago 0 1009 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Kirk,

Often it takes a profound realization to move us away from this cycle of abuse. You're on the right track now and the thoughts you describe are normal. Take these challenges for what they are and crush them.They're meant to happen so learn to embrace them. What you're experiencing is your brain re-wiring itself into a better life. You're better than that past life. Be patient and have confidence that things are going to get better than you imagined. Remember, the first week or 2 are emotionally charged. That will pass. When I quit, I lost touch with my DRINKING buddies but the people that are most important will embrace your choice. You don't need toxic friendships that will drag you down and hold you there. The best learning takes place when you're not too high or too low yet have a mild amount of stress to keep focused. You're doing great right now. Well bloody done on 5 days! Let's make it 6, 7. 8....Always reach out for support and you'll get it. It makes all the difference in the world. I did and it changed my life, coming to this site. 

Keep going Kirk! I'm really impressed with what you've accomplished. What you've done takes great strength and character.

All the best,

9 years ago 0 28 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks for the great feedback Kez, Dave and Foxman. I had these thoughts this morning when I woke up. Laying in bed trying to justify I don't "drink" that much. Maybe I can just have one or two from now on "I can do that". I know where that leads me and can't justify it anymore without poking holes in my ridiculous justifying thoughts. I haven't drank in 5 days since I woke up in a jail cell, bloodied from apparently falling down blacked out drunk. I feel like I'm in mourning. Feel like I have a hole in my gut like someone I know died- that person who died is the person I want to die the drunk me and I'm hoping that person is slowly slipping away to it's death. I just know I can't do this anymore... numbing myself. I'm missing out on life and having clarity -which I'm not sure I've ever had. Kez I think we have wrong self perceptions about ourselves that we need to throw out the window. I'm to a point I don't care what people think -I need to fix this for me. If they don't like me when I'm the drunk me they aren't worth socializing with...
9 years ago 0 94 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
"A coping strategy for a coping strategy"... I love that!

Kirk, you sound a lot like me. I'm at a point now where I no longer justify my drinking, I know flat out that it's wrong and ineffective and unhealthy, but I do still feel it's easier in the short term when I want a release. And you always think "well just this time". And it makes it easier to justify when you're not blacking out every day, and when you're not spending all your money on alcohol, and when friends drink too when you go out. 

 A while ago I mentioned in a post about how my drinking in social situations is almost always positively reinforced (on the nights I don't severely overdo it). For me, when I've got a drink in my hand, I'm warmer, friendlier, more smiley, funny. and relaxed, and that gets rewarded (I'm a dog person and I realize I sound like a dog in training right now!)When I'm sober all that confidence goes away and people read the subtle cues I give off which are all quite uninviting and difficult to read. People have told me I always look mad and grumpy, even when I'm totally not feeling either of those things. And then the cognitive distortions kick in at full force. Deep down I AM that warm, funny, relaxed person and I hate that my self-doubt locks all of that good stuff away.  I resent it quite badly, actually. Drinking to me has always been a "win win" - other people like me and give me positive feedback, and I feel good and in turn like myself.  It makes life easier for me and for those around me. HA - I just said I don't justify or rationalize my drinking anymore, but clearly I still do. Even if I still believe it's better that I drink, I'm making a commitment to prove myself wrong by staying sober in social situations for the next while to revisit the idea.

It's really not easy to be in a place where you aren't at rock bottom but you're not healthy either. 

Good post, like Dave said, I'm sure the vast majority of us have all felt the same way at some point.
9 years ago 0 1009 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Interesting post Kirk. I do have a do you feel when you justify the drinking? Some relief? How were you feeling prior to justifying your reason to drink? It's interesting how we use the logical part of the brain to justify something that will ultimately shut it off. 

And you are right....while they seem like justifications and rewards, they only serve to worsen the problem and perpetuate it. Justifications are coping strategy for a coping strategy.

Thank you putting those ideas down as we can all relate to them.

All the best,

9 years ago 0 1562 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
 I know all this is all "FALSE" and this is what I rationalize in my head all the time.

So true, unfortunately because the obsession of the mind some us hit a blind spot and reach up to bottle or shot of whiskey. We have to elevate our awareness/consciousness.
9 years ago 0 28 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My social life is drinking... I'm more social and likeable when I drink... I'm not hurting myself or anyone around me... I justify that I'm not a bad example to my daughter that everyone does it... I don't try to influence others to drink so I can drink more... I don't spend a lot on drinking... It helps me cope with day to day stresses... I don't drink that much, so I blacked out a few times this month who hasn't... I don't look forward to a drink at the end of the day... I like going out with friends and drinking it's a release and I deserve it... I haven't disappeared all day and night getting drunk somewhere and my wife is wondering where I am- she just needs to give me some space I'm a grown man... I know all this is all "FALSE" and this is what I rationalize in my head all the time.

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