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9 years ago 0 421 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Lisa,
Welcome! You will find a lot of great resources on here. It's a great community and your journey is just beginning. 

Yep. The shakes are no fun. It's a strange feeling when your brain wants to do one thing and your body does another---but it's actually your brain driving the shakes most likely. When all this early on stuff slows down you'll feel so much better! You've made a positive decision and you are on the right track. Alcohol is poison. 

Hang in there and post often and read on here. It'll help more than you think.
Take care! 
9 years ago 0 4 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am having so many of the same feeling and symptoms as I have read you post about.  I'm only on day 2, but my shakes are horrible.  I am a binge drinker though so I guess that makes sense.
9 years ago 0 1009 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi TS,

Excellent work navigating the party with that sense of self-control. Well done! That's a great idea to have your own party. When you find success in dealing with situations like that it is best to keep repeating the process because it rewires your brain and you'll become more and more relaxed and confident. Keep going!

All the best,

9 years ago 0 421 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi TS!! I'm so happy for you ! Isn't it exciting and calming at the same time to be in total control of your mind and body?! I know what you mean about wondering how we can even get the urge out of the blue. I wonder the same thing.  It has to do with our brain and wiring I know but I haven't figured out how to keep my thoughts completely in check yet or I wouldn't have the AV.  You did a huge thing last night for yourself! Keep going on your piña it's working for you 100 fold!! You are inspiring to me and I'm sure many more, TS! I can feel your joy all the way over here!! :-)
9 years ago 0 345 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi ND,

Thank you so much for that fabulous vote of confidence. I kept your words with me all night. I enjoyed the party very much. Left early around 11:00 when people started to show the effects. Wasn't interested in seeing anyone get too silly.  Never even considered taking a drink, just stuck with my water, enjoyed the conversation and atmosphere. Just love the fact that it went so smoothly. Now I'm starting to wonder how I even experience an urge out of the blue when last night I was surrounded by alcohol and it didn't interest me at all. I'm thinking I just might have a small party myself since I'm feeling so confident.

Really is helpful having you in my rooting section ND. Means a  lot to me.

9 years ago 0 421 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi TS! 
You are so correct.  Alcohol will stalk you at the party. It will wrap it's arms around you and try to be very alluring.

 You are strong and smart. I have no doubt that you do have a plan and you will keep Alcohol where it belongs. On the shelf, in the bottle and with its cork in it.  You will feel empowered when you do say no thank you.  Remember that the buzz is short lived and the hangover sucks.  Think about how beautiful your skin will stay and how much work you've been putting into being healthy.  Have fun at the party and you can be certain that you will remember it----alcohol won't remember it.  

I'll be thinking of you and cheering you on tonight!  Best of luck!!
9 years ago 0 345 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well, I'm going to a party tonight and I understand that Alcohol has been invited. Although I broke up with Alcohol it seems it has a bit of a separation anxiety and insists on stalking me. Alcohol will have a rude awaking when it finds out I've put out a restraining order on it.  After all, a person can only tolerate so much harassment. 
Alcohol is clever though not to mention incredibly vain. Seems to think just because it will  present itself in all of my favorite forms and make itself irresistible, that I won't be able to help myself. It recognizes that my brain craves that dopamine surge stimulating my medial forebrain bundle and that it can provide it more readily than even sugar. Couple that with the buzz and it knows its lure can be intoxicating.
I'm not worried though, because I've been working out the old frontal lobe, the logical part of my brain, and it now has an arsenal of tools to sidestep any temptation tricks that alcohol might have under its cork.
Nooo, I'm confident that Alcohol will not win this one.
9 years ago 0 1562 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I agree, alcohol is just a symptom. We need to address the causes and conditions that leads us to that seductive liquid. 
9 years ago 0 421 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I think it's the driver not the car with alcohol. We are the drivers. We kid ourself. The mind is amazing in its ability to talk us into things and out of them . Take a roller coaster for instance ...I don't like them. The giving yourself to something that's totally out of my self control. Alcohol is the same kind of thing. We drink it and then things get out of our control. Again in both--roller coaster and alcohol----we are the driver in that we begin it or get on it. 
It's the driver...not the car. My opinion.
9 years ago 0 315 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Alcohol is cunning, baffling and powerful. Without help it is to much for me. I am willing to go to any length to be AF and find serenity in my life. I wish you all a sober 24 hrs.

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