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First days alcohol free

9 years ago 0 1009 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
HI Billy Bob,

Great attitude and welcome to the site. How is it going this week? What do you find are your big triggers?

Post lots. It really helps to have a sounding board with the support of people who understand the challenge.

All the best,

9 years ago 0 421 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Billy! Welcome to the AHC site and great job on your sobriety! Having an alcohol free life is a wonderful thing. I can totally relate to your post. Glad you found this site. The people here are great.
9 years ago 0 55 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Billy, I can certainly relate to the "I think.......... I'll just have one" concept. For me it is only a concept, reality has shown that it don't apply so well to me. Never quit quitting. Post often, check-in often Swig
9 years ago 0 1562 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
 "Go where you want without fear of picking up a drink..."  ENCOURAGING.  

Yes, Today we are going on a cruise and this is my 3rd cruise, all during my sobriety. Just wanted to share so you can draw more hope. The first cruise I was about a year into my sobriety. Gosh so much of booze on board but I stood ground. On my blog there are additional resources that you may want to check that out.

Looking at you posted, I see the obsession of the mind, the phenomenon of craving (drinking more than what you originally planned for). I could totally relate to what you are going through. An obsession that overrides all other thoughts and you end up picking up that first drink. And then you are off to the races.
9 years ago 0 345 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Billy,
Welcome! Seven days AF is a fantastic start. You'll be finished with most of the acute withdrawal symptoms by now. Now you can focus on living the rest of your life without that annoying burden called Alcohol. Interaction is simple, just post when ever you'd like to discuss something, or feel weak, depressed, annoyed, angry...just post. Share your successes and your slips should you have any. We don't judge, we encourage. I almost gave up because I had so many slips but the encouragement and genuine concern from members on this site pulled me back. I am so very grateful that I'm surrounded by such fabulous people. Just keep an open mind as there are different perspectives among the ranks as to how to resolve this addiction. After all, our numbers encircle the world. Very exciting that we all share a common heal. Would you want it any other way? 

So dig in Billy, read and share and prepare to embrace an all encompassing joy that you've forgotten existed.
You can do this, we can help!

9 years ago 0 8 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I have not been to an AA meeting.  Thank you for the on-line site.  Will check it out.  "Go where you want without fear of picking up a drink..."  ENCOURAGING.  

This week, I've struggled with temptation and trying to redirect my thoughts.  

Enjoy the cruise!
9 years ago 0 8 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi All, 

I am new to the site.  After a couple decades of alcohol abuse, I want to make a change (again).  Have quit before; but, then I think... I'll just have one drink.  Then within a week's time, I'm having several drinks everyday sometimes (more than I'd like to admit) to the point of blacking out.  Seven days sober now and don't want to deceive myself ( I NEED HELP/SUPPORT ).

Any recommendations on how best to interact with this on-line group?

Best regards,

9 years ago 0 55 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Ralph, It's great to see that you're still here with us and never got frightened away! I'm sure you could never have anticipated the response and exchanges that followed your post. I've been here only a couple of months but I think it safe to say that it was an isolated incident and a little out of the norm. I agree, everyone here is on the same page when it comes to good intentions. For me, moderation worked for only a short while, but before long it would turn into a binge. All the best. Swig
9 years ago 0 1562 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
  I am so glad you are here. Please do not get driven by what I say but do your own research before you take a decision. Internet is a new avenue for people to express themselves. There are good and bad stuff out on the internet, its up to you to dig and ensure you are taking a right decision. 

You don't even have to step into the rooms of AA to get a glimpse of what the program is about. One of the best tools I ran into was the workshops (one of the good stuff you find on internet). Here is one of them.

The first 4 segments (about 80 minutes) will pretty much give you an idea if AA will work for you or not. 
9 years ago 0 345 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Ralph,

Really glad you checked in. You're like many of us in that anything anyone needs to get through religion is available through other venues. I believe most of us appreciate your focus as it mirrors our own. Any time you need support or just want to vent please post. We are all too happy to be a sounding board, or even to just commiserate with you. Many of us are going through something similar and appreciate your struggles.
I've tried through this past year to moderate and met with dismal failure after failure. I have also come to the conclusion that moderation is not an option for me and I'm finally comfortable with that. 
Please, post often and share your trials and successes alike.
We are here for you!

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