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10 years ago 0 52 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Jewel, nobody knows just this group.. I cannot let my husband know. He would never understand. It would just cause grief.  He is also a drinker but he has it under control. He can take it or leave it.. I feel like such a failure. I have to find a way to come to terms with that and change my thinking. Which I am working on.. You are doing so well and thanks I feel better knowing that I'm not truly alone.

Dave you truly are an aspiration to me.. I read all your posts.  I pray I too will be where you are someday.
10 years ago 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Zoey and Lynn,
Appears we are battling this together. I can so relate to what you guys are writing. Do y'all have a support system (family, friends, etc)? My family doesn't even know about my problem. I've hid it for years. Only members of my household are aware and to an extent. If you can, try and focus on day 1, nothing more. I became overwhelmed when I thought about being AF for days. It's little steps I'm taking, but it's progress. Like y'all,  I want my life back.......break free from this bondage. Hope to hear back from both of you. 

In Support,
10 years ago 0 52 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Lynn I feel the same way.. Most people are shocked when they see me have a glass of wine, for years I have kept it so well hidden. It's showing now. ( beer belly or in my case wine belly) Most days I just watch what I eat so I can drink.  

I never drink a lot around people. Mostly alone.. My husband found a half bottle of wine in the guest room and questioned it. I lied but I'm sure he knows that it was mine... 

Jewel I so want to be where you are. I won't stop trying.. I want this urge to go away..  I'm not sure
What's in store for me either Lynn... I pray the road from here is going to be a sober one sooner than later. :(. 
10 years ago 0 348 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you Jewel and Zoey for your responses,  yes Jewel, it does help.  Your responses sound very familiar so I can certainly relate.  For the past 10 years I have worked out religiously and a few years ago adapted a "clean" diet. Although I was drinking daily during this time (allowing my mind to rationalize that it was OK) I showed no outward effects of the alcohol use.  In the past I watched the clock, only started drinking at a certain time and had a certain number of drinks I would not surpass.  As I think about it, this is my way of saying that I am in control of the alcohol (which couldn't be further from the truth!) In the last year I have started earlier and have surpassed that number many times.  As a result I have noticed a change in my body, attitude toward working out, and recently, job performance.  Fortunately, at this point no one has a clue as to what is going on with me.  Most people are shocked to even know I drink, but I don't think this will continue.

Jewel, you should be proud of yourself, you have done what I only hope to do.  I am not sure what the next is for me and that in itself is a problem for me.  Once I have a plan and know what it is I want to accomplish I am relentless in my goal.  This is something I want and I know I am allowing the power of alcohol to over power me, which is extremely frustrating.  I have thought I was a strong person but I am feeling very weak right now.
10 years ago 0 52 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I jog and walk daily.  I eat good.  Still I drink and I drink.  Each morning I go over the same thing.  Today is the day I will not drink..I will not give up trying. Someday I will be the one here saying I done it.  I don't drink anymore..someday........ I really like everyone's comments. Today  I will try to drink lots of water ... I think it will help me to keep coming back here, to know I'm not alone .. Thank- you all for the feed back... I always try and wait until 4 o clock to have my first glass of wine.. I don't know why that time. I guess I trained my mind to think it was ok after 4.

Yesterday I made it until 6.  Today my goal is 7. I drank less yesterday. I am very thankful for that.  I try not to be sad but I am and I really want my life back. I want to be happy and whole again.

10 years ago 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Lynn, I reached a point where I was sinking further and further in despair. I knew it was due to alcohol, yet I didn't want to give it up. Each time I thought of quitting, I would get such anxiety. But I was so tired of the daily habit/routine. I weighed the pros/cons. I remembered my life before alcohol. Also realized I been drinking to numb pain in my life. I researched the effects alcohol had on my body. I used to be such a health guru, yet I let myself go, BAD! I had to get real honest with myself. The first afternoon without alcohol, I was anxious and jittery. But I made some changes in my routine. I tried to not look at that stupid clock. I spent a lot of time on here reading. There is a wealth of information and inspiration on here.  I would jump on here when i was feeling real anxious and read . Each day has gotten a little easier. I just kept telling myself I wanted my life back. Also, when my mind would try and rationalize as to why I needed/wanted alcohol, I would immediately work through that moment.  I'm still working through moments. But I'm so proud of myself for each day I can say I'm AF. I've started eating healthy and exercising again. Although I'm still a newbie, I see light at the end of my tunnel. Best of luck today!! Hope this helped. 
10 years ago 0 348 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Jewel, I would love to know how you would approach tomorrow with your recent experience.  From what you have posted you know how it will begin for me.  Fearful of the night without alcohol.  Any advice as to how to go through my day?
10 years ago 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yes we did start around the same time. Tomorrow is a new day. I will definitely keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Please update if you dont mind. 
10 years ago 0 348 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I think I remember when you first came to this site, it was around the time I began here as well.  At the time I thought I could do moderation but know that is not possible without abstaining for a period of time.  
I am going to say what I have said some many times, tomorrow is the day.  Keep me in your thoughts, we will see how it goes....

10 years ago 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
So many times I wanted to quit. I had guilt every day. I spent half my day hungover just trying to get going. I wasn't motivated to do anything, even the simplest task. I was spiraling worse and worse into depression. Yet my mind told me I needed it. Just the thought of not drinking every day brought on anxiety. It was such a viscious cycle. I was so scared the first few days. But it did get easier. Again, I'm new at this, but I feel so much better already. You can do this! Take it a step at a time. Congrats to you for being health oriented. There is so much support on here. Utilize the tools. And most of all, realize you are worthy. 

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