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10 years ago 0 52 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Lynn, Jewel

Hope all is well, today is another day starting off with positive thoughts. If I can train my mind I can do anything..
My husband knows I drink .. He just don't know how much. He don't know that I need help or support and I cannot tell him I don't know he would understand.  I choose to do this alone ( with the help and support from everyone here battling this demon) .. I have chosen this following Monday to be the one day I will not drink at all. I have a diary now and every glass I take I record it. Omg it's unreal I cannot even believe how much wine I drink..

We will do this together one day at a time. Jewel you are doing great. Lynn we are getting closer one day at a time ..I can and we'll win this battle.  I have always been strong now I just need to reach deep inside and find it. ..

Lynn I know we will do this. Have a great day. 

Need a friend: I'm glad that you are doing well and you have great support with you. Keep up the good work. 
10 years ago 0 348 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
The progress you have made thus far is admired.  Knowing you have done it with little to no "in house" support further adds to that admiration.  You have done an amazing job!
I want to do this on my own because in the end it is really up to me.  I questioned you about the support at home wondering if you thought it would help.  In the past I have made excuses to do things she wanted to do at night because they have not involved drinking.  Maybe if I suggest doing some of things I will be getting her support without actually asking for it.  Before I would have drank substantially before, and hated the activity during waiting for the time for the next drink.  Now if I suggest a non-drinking activity early in the day, I will know that it will be one night of not drinking.
It is amazing the grip that alcohol can have on us.  When we think we are in total control it is probably when we are in the least control.  
Thanks for your support Jewel.

10 years ago 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
When I made my decision to quit, I chose not to mention it to my family at first. I was scared of failure and ashamed. However, I was disappointed I had to bring it to my other half's attention after several days as he didn't say a word. Unfortunately I dont have a lot of support. I would have loved nothing more than to feel support and encouragement. I've been AF for I know 3 wks now, and he still hasn't mentioned anything.  This is kind of the norm at my home. But that is not going to deter me. I say you have a real blessing in your life. Do you still feel like you can do it on your own? 
10 years ago 0 348 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yes, she is great, I am truely blessed.  The reason I have not said anything to her before now is I thought I could do this on my own.  Nothin has been said before now is out of embarrassment and knowing that in the end it has to be me that takes control of this.
Your household is/was aware of the extent of your drinking, did they provide support in you beginning to take charge of your situation?  Would support from them aided your efforts?
Thank you Jewel for your support and concern, sometimes helping is knowing someone is there listening and understanding. 
Zoey, hope you are well.  Need A Friend, welcome to the site, you will find great support here.

10 years ago 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
More importantly,  how do you feel about revealing your problem to her? By reading your post, it appears you have a great partner. If you revealed to her, would that help you on this journey? I think it has to be a decision you make and are completely comfortable with. Sounds like you are very blessed to have her alongside you. Sorry I wasn't much help on this one. Hope to hear from you. 

Support and hope,
10 years ago 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome need a friend!! 
Sounds like you have great support. Thank God you are ok. Our drinking has placed us all in volatile situations. Yet I dont believe we are on this site by chance. Every day is a new day. This site is awesome. We all seem to be working toward a common goal. Hope to see you on here often. 

In Support,
10 years ago 0 348 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Jewel, you have said your household knows the extent of your past drinking.  Zoey, you have said no one knows.  My partner is great, I can tell her anything but have not told her about this.  What are your thoughts of me revealing my problem to her?
10 years ago 0 59 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Z & L,
I felt such shame. I did not want my family to know. I go back to the time I started drinking more. At first, I mainly drank on wknds and to party some. Then I dealt with some major hurt/heartbreak, betrayal,  and kind of emotional abuse. This involved someone I gave my heart to. I never imagined such would happen to me, and I didn't know how to deal with the pain. So I started drinking more. It mask my pain for years. I take full responsibility. I was the one who chose to drink. Now, I'm trying to re-learn coping skills, heal and deal with the pain. In those hazy years, I lost my ability to function as I once did. I was once a very strong-independent person. Looking foward to being that person again. Hope y'all have a good evening. 

Have y'all read Dave's blog? He is spot on!!! Really made me think after reading. Thanks Dave! 

In Support,

10 years ago 0 2 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello I just joined today and already reading your posts I feel hope.  My partner and I have always drank but it used to be just on the weekend.  over time it ended up being every night.  He was able to stop after 3 or four but I would keep going.  We it started to completely mess with my sleep so I started leaving it in my bedroom closet uncase I need a little more to make me go back to sleep.  Well it just kept taking more and more to make me sleep until finally last Monday I got up to use the bathroom and collasped on in the hall and woke up in the ER.  I love wine but never really thought how much I was drink was so horrible to my body.  I am currently back home all alcohol has been locked away and I am on medicine to help through the withdraws until this Friday am seen by a specialist.  I have never been so great full for My partner and Kaiser Er staff and my primary Doctors help.  I really feel good about this chance.  I hope you can find some support this site is a wonderful place to talk to others about all our experiences.  

10 years ago 0 348 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My partner certainly knows I drink but because she doesn't drink she really has no idea how much I am drinking.  I have a great group of friends that drink but they could all take it or leave it as well. If I did not drink with them it would have no effect on our relationship.  My family has no idea.  I guess that is why it is comforting to be able to communicate with people that know exactly what I am feeling and are able to offer advice.

I really appreciate the advice and hope good things are in store for all of us in the future.  

More later...

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