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Deciding when moderation doesn?t work.

10 years ago 0 1009 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

Didn't get the email.


10 years ago 0 1009 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Camiol,

I know where you're coming from. Whenever I moderate I go for a while coasting along but I escalate because it's just my nature to do that. I just enjoy working at something progressively and expanding my boundaries, whether it's riding my motorcycle, diving, working out.....etc. Interestingly, drinking falls into this category I think and when I do drink, in all honesty, I enjoy the buzz. Unfortunately my buzz gets pretty excessive! So I decided to stop. Like yourself, I'm surrounded by drinkers and on the weekend I got see the majority of them drink it up quite heavily. I thnk you're making a good choice to stop so you can re-group. All I can say for myself is my life is SO MUCH BETTER not drinking. I can really see a positive effect on my relationships as well..
Be fair to yourself for sure, just keep moving forward.
Best regards,
PS. Interesting how the long weekend seems to have caught some people off guard. 
10 years ago 0 616 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I'm not feeling too pleased with myself today.  I drank way too much yesterday and I had promised myself that I wouldn't.  My BFF came over yesterday and we jarred tomatoes.  My husbands friend showed up and they started drinking beer and my BFF had some wine.  At that point I said no to any alcohol.  When we finished the tomatoes I poured a glass of wine with club soda and thought to myself that I would just have a couple glasses and stop at that.  Well that didn't happen.  I finished the bottle then made myself two White Russians.  After drinking the two extra drinks, I was definitely drunk and today I'm angry at myself.  The only thing I'm happy about is that there is no more wine in the house...well there is red wine but I won't drink it because it's my BFF's wine and I don't like red wine.  I've made the decision to not drink at all for a while.  I haven't set a period of time, I'm going to take it one day at a time.  I have plans to roast red peppers this week with my BFF and have already made up my mind not to drink, even if she pours herself a glass if wine.  I need to dry out and get myself in the road to recovery.

Dave I sent you an email yesterday to your gmail account you provided, I hope you got it.  
10 years ago 0 1853 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Great to hear your progress Dave!  Wishing you an equally strong September  Vincenza, Health Educator
10 years ago 0 1009 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Camiol,

I'm doing well. Still holding strong with the drinking. I did have a bit of an urge on Thursday at the end of day on a bike trip. My buddy hit the store to buy beer and kept asking me if I wanted some. I seriously considered it and had to work through it in my head while in the situation but held strong and "Really, NO THANK YOU!" I was really dehydrated and once I topped up on water and pop I lost thoughts of drinking alcohol. I had given myself permission to smoke over the last couple of weeks because I was doing too much too fast and need to adjust that part of the way I think. I quit again last Sunday and I'm happy to report I haven't smoked yet and have picked up on my workouts again so everything is moving in a really positive direction. August is all 0's in my tracker and that keeps me motivated. 

Great to hear you are maintaining your focus. Great Work! Email me and I'll connect you with Turquiose.

Best regards,

10 years ago 0 616 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Good morning and happy labour day weekend to everyone.  Turquoise how are you?  I hope you're sleeping better.  Insomnia is awful, I've had it in the past and it's awful to be so tired but not able to sleep.  Are you doing anything for the long weekend?

Dave how are you doing?  Any big plans for the long weekend?  It's hard to believe summer is almost over and the kids are back in school on Tuesday.  I am hoping to make my red pepper paste on Monday, I enjoy doing that.  It seems I have a lot of house projects coming up very soon and I'm looking forward to making improvements and seeing the change.  

I'm doing ok with drinking, I still want to be abstinent, but I'm having a hard time taking that leap.  I think about how much better I'll feel and how I'll never feel guilty again about over indulging, yet it's difficult to make that decision.   I know I will get there because its something I need to do.  I wish there was a magic word or thought that would just make me stop.  
10 years ago 0 409 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sian, thank you. I'm doing much better today, and I have a couple more sober days under my belt! In some ways it's getting getting much easier, and in some ways I'm already starting to do the "just one glass, just this time...." in my head. I just need to remember that "just one glass" never works for me. I will probably be grumpy by tonight -- I woke up at 2am, and never did get back to sleep. So, I've accomplished a lot for the day already, but I know I'll be dead on my feet by dinner. But the morning headaches are much more rare now, despite the insomnia!!!
10 years ago 0 100 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Turquoise it's always good to read how you're doing and I really appreciate your constructive way of pushing through each difficulty. When I feel grouchy I don't always remember to channel it into something but I hope next time I'll take on board your idea of taking it out on the housework. Thanks for posting and I hope you start to feel better soon. 
10 years ago 0 616 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Turquoise the interview went well I think.  It seemed they were impressed with my years if experience, the skills I have and the ability to take on major projects but continue to do my regular job.  I won't know anything for about a week.  I hate this part, the waiting.  I'm sorry to hear you're to feeling well the past couple days, I hope things improve for you very soon.  You're doing wonderfully in abstaining and I think you are strong enough to continue your sobriety.  

Dave I will email you at the address below when I get a minute, perhaps later this evening.  Turquoise if you choose to do the same, perhaps Dave can exchange our email addresses to one another.  I don't mind if you know my true name, and like both of you I will continue to post here as I find it very helpful and supportive.  I enjoy reading the posts of others, it helps to feel like I'm not alone in this struggle.  
10 years ago 0 1009 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Turquoise,

Hang in there because you're doing so great. I wake up tired and a little edgy myself sometimes however if I go for a bicycle ride and plug in some good audio it really helps. I too am open to messaging outside of the board but will definitely continue to post and read this forum as it's a great source of strength. And just for the record, messaging outside of this forum is open to anyone that wants to send me a message, lurkers included. I've set up an email: I'll test this out and if it goes south, well, no big deal. 

Keep up the excellent work!

Best regards,


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