Hey Tiluli!
I've posted the website that helped me on here a few times but the moderators keep taking it off. So, I'm going to paste and cut a bunch of info from the website instead so you can read it. First, I'm going to put in the symptoms so you know that what you are feeling is normal and you are not alone. Then, I will paste and cut some advice from the website. I sincerely hope it helps you as it did for me!
Use the CBT program offered here also. It will help you get through the crazy thoughts while you are going through the withdrawals as well as with your anxiety / panic. It is free if you haven't tried it yet. Also, we are here for you on the support group as well! So, use us to vent, scream, cry, just talk to someone who understands or whatever. You're not alone! This is going to take time but I promise you will be ok!
Here's the info. It's going to be a really long one so get a drink of water, sit back, relax.......
Frequently Reported Symptoms:
- intense insomnia
- extraordinarily vivid dreams (I used to hide any knives or scissors that I saw before I went to bed because I didn't know what was a dream and what was real and I was afraid I would wake up in the middle of the night and hurt my family)
- extreme confusion during waking hours
- intense fear of losing your sanity
-steady feeling of existing outside of reality as you know it (referred to as depersonalization at times)
- memory and concentration problems
- Panic Attacks (even if you never had one before)
- severe mood swings, esp. heightened irritability / anger.
- suicidal thoughts (in extreme cases)
- an unconventional dizziness / vertigo
- the feeling of shocks, similar to a mild electric one, running the length of your body (like putting a tongue on a 9volt battery)
- an unsteady gait
- slurred speech
- headaches
- profuse sweating, esp. at night
- muscle cramps
- blurred vision
- breaking out in tears (I would start crying in mid conversation even if we were just talking about normal every day things)
- hypersensitivity to motion, sounds, smells
- decreased appetite
- nausea
- abdominal cramping, diarrhea
- loss of appetite
- chills / hot flashes
Less Frequest Symptoms (I had most of these)
- fainting
- "scratching sound"