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19 years ago 0 82 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Gina, How are you doing? I hope today is a better day for you... Remember: Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could; some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day; you shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson~ Try taking it easy...and concentrate on positive are not going are's the anxiety that makes us 'believe' that we are ill...Gina, you have so much love around you...your daughter and husband love and adore you...think about the love...your husband may not show it, but he adores you...and things will be fine...hang in are so strong...have faith and hope... Sending hugs, B
19 years ago 0 204 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
i am feeling really bad tonight once again sick and depressed. gina
19 years ago 0 295 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Gina,I found that post its now under 'are you ok?' Debbie thanks for replying its a blessing to know that you guys understand what im dealing with thanks again talk to you both later. Lulu..
19 years ago 0 295 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Gina i really think the tongue thing could be anxiety related but is there a doctor you can go see just to have it checked out?I dont know what happened to the post you posted yesterday named LULU i cant find it anyhow do you see a psychologist or anyone regarding your panic/anxiety?I am feeling a little better now and im sure its all related to my monthly but it scares me when i get in that frame of mind cause i know what im capable of and if i get bad enough i could do something stupid does that make any sense?I have that surreal feeling where i dont know whats real or not im sure i must be crazy or psychotic or something why else would my mind be doing this??Nevermind tomorrow is another day and hopefully if i can get a good sleep (which is near impossible in my house cause two of my children keep coming in to my bed at night)talk to you later. Lulu
19 years ago 0 204 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
i took my blood pressure today and it was good so that makes me feel a little better. but i am so tongue is killing me again.well i will quit whineing. thanks vickers for the reply gina
19 years ago 0 222 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Gina! I'm also a hypo. I was as a child and was able to beat it as a teenager only to have it come back in my 20s. And now I've been dealing with it for the last 12 years. I don't know why it happens, but I don't think the why is as important as learning to let it go. One thing that helps me when I'm having a hypo moment and determined I'm dying of some disease is telling myself that I am healthy and everything is ok and that if something wasn't ok, I would have help by going to the doctors. I used to take the bus to work and I would panic just knowing I was going to be trapped on that bus having a heart attack or something. I realized one day that if something were to happen, the people on the bus wouldn't let me die on the bus because it's human nature to help people in trouble. Human nature for probably 90% of people anyway - there are very mean people out there who don't care about anone or anything so I can't say it's human nature for all people. But, my point is that if something was wrong, you would have help. Another thing that helps me is to remind myself that not paying attention to my vitals is not going to make something happen. I have a terrible habit of checking my pulse rate. I started to challenge myself to not check my heart rate all day no matter what. By doing that, I was able to prove to myself that the human body knows how to keep itself going (by absolute brilliant design) and you don't need to constantly pay attention to every skipped heart beat or ache and pain. How many times have you been sick and not died? How many times has your heart took off racing when you felt it shouldn't and didn't keal over? I know it's hard but try to trust your body. I still struggle with this but after trying to remind myself to do these things, it is getting easier to let things go that would've set me off before. Sorry that was so long winded and preachy. I hope it helps!
19 years ago 0 204 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
why am i having heath fears right now my neck hurts a little so thats makes me think stroke.i am off work today and all i want to do is enjoy my day with my family and relax.does anyone know what brings on health fears? i used to have them they went away and now they are back. i know i am a hypo. please someone reply. gina

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