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Moderation Gang (MoGa) - an ongoing discussion of moderate drinking

11 years ago 0 325 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Camiol
I have not been checking in here very much. I am not doing as good as I could with the drinking but am better and trying to not get drunk. Went out with drinking buddies Tue. and did real well...spaced out drinks and did not get wasted. That made me feel good. Hope you all are well as we approach another weekend. 
11 years ago 0 616 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Ok whrere are all my Moga friends?  I'm getting concerned about all of you.  It is again the last day of the work week for me and I'm going to need all the strength I can muster to refrain from drinking the next few nights.  I am thinking I will go for dinner tonight with my best friend/drinking buddy but I am already planning what I will drink tonight.  I am ordering a virgin mojito.  If she comes to my house before we go for dinner I'll drink the virgin wine cooler.  I know it's only early morning but I have no desire to drink tonight which is good because normally on my last work day, I wake up thinking I am going to drink at the end of the day.  I am also going to start to eat healthy and try to lose about 20 lbs.  it was originally 15 I wanted to lose, but I've gained a few more and the goal just got bigger....yikes!  I am in for some serious hard work the next little while.  I didn't reach my weight loss goal for the summer, so now it's time to get serious about it and start eating healthy.  It's going to be a fancy salad for dinner tonight wherever we go.

Enjoy your day ladies, I hope you are all having a great week.  Hope to see posts from each of you soon.
11 years ago 0 616 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
So today is day 5....I had another decent day at work and no serious craving to drink.  I stopped at the grocery store to get a couple things and I bought myself three dealcoholized wine coolers as a treat.  I am enjoying one right now and for being alcohol free, it's not too bad.  Has anyone ever tried the dealcoholized wine?  I see at at the grocery store and often wonder if it's any good.  I'd like to try it when I'm in the mood for a glass of Sauvignon.  I feel good about being 5 days sober, this is awesome.  I am going to try my hardest to keep it going through the weekend.  

How are my Moga friends doing?  
11 years ago 0 161 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yeah, Turq, we're working it out, and as you say, who would have thought?
Yay Camiol. Yay Hope. 

11 years ago 0 616 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yay!!!! I did, it, I got through day four without much difficulty at all!  I had a decent day at work, and when I got home I fixed myself a virgin mojito.  My husband made himself a blended daiquiri and asked me to taste it because he said it was so good.  I put the glass to my lips without even thinking about it, but quicklyrealized what I was doing and didn't taste it, but I did tell him it was good...wink, wink.  After dinner I went outside and washed my car and had a nice phone call with my stepmom. It's  been a good day and I'm happy that I got through it because day 4 is always tough for me.  My best friend sent me a message and asked if we could do dinner and drinks this Thursday night, I am apprehensive because I want to go as long as possible without alcohol, but,I'd love to see her.  It's always a trigger to drink with her.  I need to find away to do dinner and only have a virgin drink.  If I feel I'll be too tempted, I'll just not go out that night.  I am feeling strong in my conviction to stay sober and I don't want to screw it up.  
11 years ago 0 409 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hope, it sounds like you are maintaining quite well. Elizabeth -- you are handling the Serious Important Talk issue so well! Did the "SIT" resolve anything? 

My husband got almost-drunk two nights ago (very rare for him) and the only part that really upset me was that I had no idea that he had even been drinking -- he drank in private all day while doing chores around the house so that he wouldn't tempt me. I think that's probably why he drank too much! I told him that I don't want this drinking thing to spiral into him keeping secrets from me, or the other way around, because we have a great 16-year marriage, and honesty is a huge component of it.

Man, who would ever think of all the complications that come up around alcohol?
11 years ago 0 51 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Ladies,
Holiday is going good, I couldnt keep 2 drinks per day for 2 days, but I wasnot drunk also, it was somehow moderation for me.. I cant check in regularly..since I dont have time, but I'm thinking of you and wishing you luck for the new starts and new challenges...
11 years ago 0 161 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Just after my confident last post, my husband came home with a Serious Important Talk, which was not resolved to his satisfaction when he went off to his Monday night activity.
It's not unusual for Serious Important Talks to come up during the transition from summer to school.
I am not going to "drink at" this issue.

11 years ago 0 1853 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Camiol, 
Great to hear!  Wishing you a serene evening and a strong Day 4. 

Vincenza, Health Educator
11 years ago 0 616 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thanks Ashley, I feel pretty good about it.  I made it through day 3 with no alcohol.  I am proud of that too.  Today I feel like I'm taking the bull by the horns.  I hope I can keep this strong feeling going.  I so want to be successful at being abstinent for a good period of time.  I don't want to set a number, I think that would just set me up for failure, but I know I want to beat my 6 day record.  Tonight I got home from work and the thought of a drink did cross my mind but it passed quickly.  I went for a walk after dinner then logged onto  my work domain to do some work.  I think today was a pretty good day all in all, and it feels good.

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