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Not long but feels good

12 years ago 0 2606 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello Rusty, 

Remember Saying "No thanks" isn’t a sign of a weak person. Quite the contrary; it takes a strong person to quit or cut down.
For the time being if it helps I would focus on the fact that you are working on being healthy and cutting down your weight. Really highlight the success that you have had so far with the weight you have lost etc. The other person should not push the issue and it will not appear as rude. 
Best of luck on your vacation! Enjoy the weather!

Samantha, Health Educator
12 years ago 0 56 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well, heading out on a two week warm winter vacation in just over 10 days.  That may be another huge challenge for me.  I'll be at at least one dinner that almost certainly be close to impossible for me.  If the other individual has a drink I don't know how I can avoid it without appearing exceptionally rude.  I'm trying to think of what excuses I might have to not have a drink but so far haven't come up with much.  Not ready to be honest enough with this "friend" from so long ago to say I have a problem. 
I am on a diet that I have strictly been following (down almost 30 pounds so far).  About 35 - 40 pounds to go.  Maybe I could just say I have sworn off alcohol while I'm on my diet (actually true but not the whole truth).  Started the diet two weeks after my last drink.  Might work for now.  Have to say that as much as I am looking forward to the vacation and dinner(s) I am also getting a bit anxious over the alcohol thing.  I know I would not drink hardly any at the dinner, but the problem would be abstaining in the days and weeks after - the old "one won't hurt thing".
Any other excuse suggestions are welcome.
12 years ago 0 11223 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Congratulations on 4 months! Huge achievement!
How will you reward yourself?
How does it feel to be alcohol free for 4 months?
Ashley, Health Educator
12 years ago 0 56 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Just realized this morning that it is now four months alcohol free.  Feeling fabulous but I know I still have to make it through today like it was day 1.
12 years ago 0 73 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Athena, try this.  My writing students often struggle with expressing their real feelings and this often works.  I do it when I start to feel like I'm going to explode, and it helps.  Find a quiet time and place and sit down with paper and pen or computer and just write.  Write without thinking, without worrying about grammar, punctuation, spelling, or even sense.  Jump from subject to subject as they occur to you.  You might even close your eyes.  Give yourself five minutes to start.  Rant, vent, describe, speak jibberish, whatever.  Keep going if you're so inclined.  It's just for you.  If you're stuck with how to start try "Dear Alcohol."  It's a way to feel that also seems...intellectual somehow.
12 years ago 0 171 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you Rusty for you hopeful message.
No matter how bad I feel, I need to remember that, in time, I will feel better.  forty-seven years of living has taught me that.
Your words - "you are not an idiot" struck me as almost hysterically funny.  "You are such an idiot" is one of those automatic thoughts that springs to mind almost any time I feel uncomfortable in a social situation....
It is incredibly unnerving to realize that I am a person who values my thoughts - my cognitive capacity - my intellect -  and yet.... my thinking is so distorted.
Earlier this week, I told my therapist that I thought I just needed some time away to think.      She laughed out loud.  I think that she is telling me that I need to stop thinking and start feeling....I don't know how to do that.
12 years ago 0 56 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
With me it's always the same.  It's like I have a rational part of my brain and an irrational part.  The irrational part keeps thinking one won't hurt.  The rational part at the same time is thinking something like "What the hell are you thinking?  You've been down this road before many times with the same thought.  Has it EVER worked out.  You're not an idiot!  Why the hell would you think there would be a different outcome now?"  Both thoughts seem to be on auto pilot.  The last few months "rational" has been winning.  A major reason has to be that some hugely stressful situations have largely been resolved, and depression is under control.  At the present time I feel better than I have in decades.  At least for now I'm determined not to go backwards but at the same time scared I could.  Fear is a wonderful motivator.
12 years ago 0 171 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Rusty,
What do you say to yourself when you start thinking - one drink won't hurt - how do you keep perspective?
12 years ago 0 2606 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Keep pushing forward and stay strong! We are here for you! Excellent reward, sounds fabulous!

Samantha, Health Educator
12 years ago 0 56 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Two days to go for this hurdle.  Seems like a race with no finish line.  Seems reasonable!?

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