Clarence, Foxman is right - find a local meeting or make a phone call (google search) and ask about your local district.
At least get the info, on-line you just have to enter your zip code. Then do these 3 things:
1.) walk to your front door and see the sunlight, and stick your head outside and breathe in a large amount of fresh air, slowly letting it out,
2.) get a glass of icy cold water and drink it and feel how good it tastes.
3.) This is the most important - tell yourself you will find the nearest AA meeting and start your journey to free yourself from your problem, and more importantly, start narrowing the distance that you feel is between you and your family.
Clarence, continue to visit this site even if and when you contact AA; we care about you and your wellbeing - and you help us find strength to continue on our path too :)
Good Luck Buddy - be strong .......