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I want to change

14 years ago 0 125 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I can totally relate.  I have been in the same boat for quite some time.  unable to completely quit. The arguing is terrible for me as well when I have been drinking......
How are u doing now?

14 years ago 0 2606 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Clarence,
It sounds like you are ready to make some changes in your drinking, make a commitment to do this right. In the next few weeks you can expect many changes.

Some changes will be long-term, others will be short term. Some of these changes will be physical, some will be emotional and others will involve changes in the relationships with people who are close to you.

In the short term, you can expect changes in your emotions and in how you feel physically. As your body gets used to operating without alcohol, when you stop or cut down, you’ll feel the effects of your body starting to function without alcohol. These effects are called “withdrawal symptoms.” How much or how many you feel depends on several factors -  including how long you’ve been drinking and how much you’ve been drinking.

Withdrawal symptoms can be very mild ? you may not notice them at all. Or, you may find you have trouble sleeping, have headaches or stomach trouble. If you’re having symptoms such as trembling or sweats you should see a health care professional immediately. These symptoms could be leading to convulsions or hallucinations, the most severe signs of alcohol withdrawal.

You can expect to feel emotionally upset, anxious or depressed. If you’ve come to depend on alcohol, you may experience cravings for a drink once you stop.

But remember: despite being uncomfortable in the short-term, in the long-term you can expect your withdrawal symptoms and your cravings to disappear. Although you may always remember what you enjoyed about drinking, focus on your benefits. It will get easier.

You can also expect that you might have to try cutting down or stopping several times before you reach your goal. Even though people sometimes slip in their efforts to stop or cut down, it’s been proven that if they keep trying eventually they’ll get where they want to go. Let’s not forget about the other side of this picture - the benefits of change. And the feeling of accomplishment you’ll have once you gain more control over your life and relationships.

Members, please feel free to join in and share any changes that you have experienced.

We are here for you Clarence, check in soon to let us know how you are doing.

Samantha, Health Educator
14 years ago 0 21 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Recently I lost my car in a accident, my kids told me that they would rather me not drink. They like being with their father when he hasn't been drinking.  My girlfriend and I fight like cats and dogs when I had to much. I feel like my life is controled by beer and I want happiness for myself and my family. I don't want this life anymore, I want the one I deserve and i'm going to get it. I haven't drank today at all and have no desire, as for tommorrow that' another story but i am ready to talk down the thoughts and get past these first weeks. I know I want it and i'm going to have, i just have to have it!

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