Hi HK01 John,
Thank you for taking the time to explain.
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh , whatda ya know :)
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Days: 1059 Hours: 23
Minutes: 0 Seconds: 3
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Hi Nancy how are you doing, to see latest posts you need to click (1) see pic, yeah you would think it would be (2) :)
Hope you have a happy smoke free day
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Days: 441 Hours: 8
Minutes: 59 Seconds: 13
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Cigarettes Not Smoked
There were other posts on this thread and they disappeared.
It's like the twilight zone. Yowzer!
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Days: 1059 Hours: 23
Minutes: 0 Seconds: 3
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Hi Nancy,
Yes it can get quit quite around here at times. A lot of the new users log in and read the forums, but do not participate in the messages. I like to call them the "lurkers" myself. ? Some folks like to be active, and some just like to keep quite. To each their own I guess. If they are learning something by just reading, more power to them! It would be nice to know, but some people are more private than others.
I'm one of the more private ones myself. I don't do Facebook, or Tweet or any of the other social networking things. This is the only place that I participate in, and at the start of my quit, I too was one of the "lurkers"!
The new years coming quickly and things usually pick up at the start of the new year....for awhile.
Take care.
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Days: 808 Hours: 11
Minutes: 57 Seconds: 46
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SCC Stop Smoking Center What da you know? :)
Thanks! Nancy
HI Guys,
Help me out here. You guys have been great! I received such a warm welcome!! I see new people signing in. (I know there are other parts of the community.) But this feels like a ghost town. I'd like to help others. Mine is the most current post? I feel like going echOOO, echOOO, echOOO where is everybody?
Please explain Lucy, Where is everybody?
Thanks again,
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Amount Saved
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Days: 1059 Hours: 23
Minutes: 0 Seconds: 3
Life Gained
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Smoke Free Days
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Cigarettes Not Smoked
Stop Smoking Center
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Amount Saved
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Days: 808 Hours: 11
Minutes: 57 Seconds: 46
Life Gained
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Smoke Free Days
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Cigarettes Not Smoked
Hi Hot SiO2 / Jim and Ashley,
Thank you so very much for the warm welcome! I would like to address more of what you wrote, but it's been a little hectic at the moment. Actually this week, I've been meeting with a quitter I met on line a long time ago; she is from out of state. We've been enjoying each other's company. She'll have 5 years, knock wood, come January.
Could you tell me what SSC stands for?
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Days: 1059 Hours: 23
Minutes: 0 Seconds: 3
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Cigarettes Not Smoked
Hey Nancy!
Glad you could join us! This is an awesome site for those seeking the tools and inspiration to quit. It is also a great place for long time quitters to stop by, say hi and lend a hand to those in need of support! I quit in March of 2008 thanks to the SSC's Program and the wonderful quitters who were here when I began my journey. It was really a different place back then! There seemed to be a fellow quit-buddy online reading the forum pages and responding almost instantaneously! Eventually, those of us who succeeded didn't need the support and our frequency of hanging out here diminished. I was a frequent flyer for quite a few years after I quit and it seemed like the number of new quitters looking for help either decreased or weren't interested in posting to seek support. Anyways, it is pretty quiet here now a days.
I am always happy to see new people get online and post and offer their words of encouragement. I had a weird "smoking dream" a few weeks ago and thought I ought to check back in and read some inspiring posts and possibly re-connect with some of my old quit buddies. One thing that I have learned is that you can never let the ol' nico-demon find a way to work it's way back into your life!
Anyways, welcome to the SSC and enjoy reading through the forum pages. There is a wealth of information here if you have any particular subject you are interested in. Hopefully they still have the search function working where you can just search on a keyword. I guess I'll have to check that out!
Take care and congrats on your long-time quit!
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Amount Saved
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Days: 1138 Hours: 4
Minutes: 24 Seconds: 24
Life Gained
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Smoke Free Days
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Cigarettes Not Smoked
Welcome Nancy!
Thanks for posting. We are so happy you could join us. Like Timbo said we are all getting used to the site currently - you are not alone ? . Timbo gave you great instructions. If you run into any questions please let us know.
It sounds like you are a pro with all you know about quitting smoking. I am certain you will be a great asset to the group!
Your font looks bolder to me. I tried changing the font size and it seemed to work for me. It seems there are only two size options currently. Is that what is happening for you?
Thanks :)
HI Tim,
A pre-celebration for your Halloween quit! I'll even HoooooooooWWWWWWWWLLL in your honor!
Warren Zevon Werewolves of London ~ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDpYBT0XyvA
Every moment quit is precious. Time passes, let's pass it being quit.
to life
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Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 1059 Hours: 23
Minutes: 0 Seconds: 3
Life Gained
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Smoke Free Days
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Cigarettes Not Smoked