Hi Timbo,
You make a great point. I, for one, want to hide my quit meter as I have had a weird relationship with smoking. I currently do not smoke cigarettes, but I have casually smoked in the past. I decided to quit completely years ago, because I was a casual smoker, I do not feel the need to list my quit date. I also want to focus on supporting other members and not my personal experience with smoking.
As for other members, I know many people who come here have not quit smoking yet, and therefore do not have a date to share. Lastly, we sometimes have family members or loved ones posting who do not smoke and have never smoked. So, this is our rational for giving members the option to remove the function. I do agree with you though, I want to celebrate everyone's quit date if they are wanting to celebrate as well.
Humm... That's an odd feature to request. I would think that people would be PROUD of how long they have been a quitter and would want to share it with the world. Even being quit for just 2 days is a great accomplishment! Takes all kinds I guess. I'm proud of my stats, it's been 2149 days since one of those nasty sticks touched my lips and I'll NEVER smoke again! Everyone can quit, it just takes perseverance and the right mind set.
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 812 Hours: 7
Minutes: 13 Seconds: 23
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked
Hi Everyone,
We've uploaded a new feature that was requested by members. You can now turn your quit meter "on" or "off". Turning your quit meter off will remove it from showing in your posts. You can do this on your Profile page:
Please message me directly if you have any other changes that you'd like to see.
Trevor and the Evolution Health Dev Team
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 111 Hours: 1
Minutes: 24 Seconds: 23
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked