Hi Joy just wondering how is it going ?
Have a good smoke free day
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Welcome Joy!
Congrats on getting started. I encourage you to get started on the Quit Smoking program to help you to create a quit plan. To access the program, click on "Home" on the top menu. Then click on "Quit Smoking" on the menu that appears under the main menu. Then click on the first badge of the program to begin. If you have any thoughts or questions please let us know.
Thanks for posting!
Hi Joy and welcome to SSC you have already taken a big step in the right direction by making a account and logging in here, we are all aiming for the same thing - to quit smoking and stay quit, so you are among friends and we can all help each other ?.It's a pleasure to meet you and hope to chat to you soon
Have a good day
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Hi Joy,
Welcome to the website. You're not alone if you keep logging in here. We are here to help you on your quit journey. We've "been there done that" so to speak. ? I replied to your message earlier, and somehow it was over written with your message. They are still working out some bugs on this new site. If you have the time, read through these forums. There is a lot of great information to help you along your path to freedom from smoking. Have you tried to quit before? Have you talked to your doctor about quitting yet? Are you going to try and quite cold turkey or are you going to try and use nicotine replacement therapy? It helped with the assistance of the patch. It sure made it easier to quit than I thought it would be. Have you made plans and picked a quit date yet? I wish you the best on your quit journey.
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Hi to everyone here on the Smoke Free Forums. My name’s Joy Elisabeth. I’m thirty seven years old. I’ve smoked cigarettes since I was fifteen. I’m nervous that I won’t quit and wind up killing myself by accident. I hope not. Any encouragement or even a friendly hello would help me feel less alone in this struggle to heal myself and become smoke free! I’m nice, so please feel welcome to talk to me. Thank you!
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