Hi Ashley! When I first quit I thought that my addiction to nicotine was going to be my biggest challenge and no doubt in the beginning stages of my quit nicotine was definitely at the top of my list. As time progressed though I found that even though I was addicted to nicotine my biggest challenge was the mental aspect of my quit. Don't get me wrong it was surely the nicotine that kept me hooked that's for sure but after smoking for over 35 years it really is a mental game at this point. I was so used to grabbing a smoke for almost any reason or excuse. Something pissed me off, stress at work, boredom, daily activities that just triggered the urge to have another smoke. Those are the things I continue to fight back against, yet every day gets just a little bit easier. To cope with those things I changed the time of the day I did routine daily activities, went different routes when driving to work. In other words I modified my daily routine which seemed to make a difference. Bottom line to all of this is you have to stay strong and take your quit in small steps. Don't worry about how your going to deal with a situation next week, deal with today first!
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 431
Hours: 3
Minutes: 17
Seconds: 9
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked