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Concerned after exercise after being quit a few months.

5 years ago 0 11226 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0

I echo Timbo by saying ecigs are not an evidence-based way to help you quit. There is currently no evidence that shows ecigs help people to quit smoking. There is actually more evidence that it prolongs the addiction. Please talk to your doctor about evidence based quit aids. Also, Milestone three of the program goes over other supports that may help.

I am sorry to hear about that scary incident after exercising. Headaches, dizziness, fatigue and mucus could all be related to quitting smoking.  Milestone three goes into detail about common withdrawal symptoms. If you are at all concerned about your breathing or any of your symptoms it is always best to go to your doctor to rule out any other issues. 

How is your quit going now? Have you had any of these symptoms again?

Ashley, Health Educator
5 years ago 0 807 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi PiggyThePowerPig,
 Ecigs are not helping you much, and they could actually be worse than smoking. The jury is still out on them.  More research needs to be completed. As for feeling tired and "foggy" after over exerting yourself, yes, it could be from smoking for so long. If I read you right you have been off cigarettes for a "few" months now after smoking for over 12 years. It's going to take time for your body to heal itself after all the damage that has been done. A few months is no way near enough time to have healed yet. The mucus could be a side effect of quitting. It does increase before it starts to taper off back to the new normal. Headaches are also normal at the beginning of a quit. Being that you are using ecigs, that could also be playing a part in the headaches, and maybe the mucus too. If you are concerned about your symptoms, or if they do not clear up soon, go see your doctor to be on the safe side. 
 Even a healthy non-smoker that over exerts himself can feel nauseous and faint if he takes it too far. Heat exhaustion, dehydration, and a number of other things can also be after effects of over doing it. Did you take your pulse and heart rate by chance? How much did you use to smoke? Have you quit before?
Stay strong.
Not One Puff Ever
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5 years ago 0 1 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I stopped smoking and use ecigs now. I had smoked for 12 years. I went swimming yesterday and really exerted myself and was holding my breath a lot, seeing how far I could swim under water. I impressed myself. After swimming I felt tired, as you would after exercise. But gradually I started getting really tired and fatigued. Headaches started and a thick mucus started building in the back of my throat that I couldn't clear. I started to feel nauseous, faint and felt my body had a lack of oxygen. I currently feel like that now, very tired and foggy. Is this related to smoking?
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