Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 808 Hours: 7
Minutes: 21 Seconds: 0
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked
I made the call to stop smoking right then and there, in my truck, in a parking lot. I grabbed my smokes walked over to the nearest garbage bin and tossed them out. Here I am, 17 days later and still haven't had a smoke. I barely get cravings and when I do they seem to be a habitual times, such as after dinner, or with my morning coffee. Honestly, I was unaware of what the withdrawal would be like, I just thought I'd be fighting cravings all day long for weeks. Within 1 day, I could breath a lot better ( I do work manual labour and I'm pretty active outdoors), day 2 even better. I thought "Wow, this is gunna be real easy". Day three came and sweet Jesus, that day was just living hell. The insomnia kicked in, sleep 20 mins, stay awake for 5 hours, rinse and repeat. Day 4 same thing, but now the lack of sleep was really catching up. Felt like I wasn't even on this planet, almost like a zombie, but yet no serious cravings. By the end of the 7-8th day, i was getting at least 5 hours of sleep a night, plus grabbing cat naps if I could. The Bronchitis seems to have slowly cleared up, but now I'm into smokers cough, which isn't bad and some days worse then others. There was also the mild cold/flu feeling of malaise, the zero patience for anything. Sitting at a red light any longer than 20 seconds, I just wanted to run the light. Turns out this is a time when I'd usually light up. As the days turned into the second week and into the third, it's getting easier, I think. I still don't have strong cravings and I can be around smokers without losing it. In fact I look at them smoking and think "They're digusting".
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 7118 Hours: 6
Minutes: 20 Seconds: 10
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked