Hello my name is Kelly I was on this site gosh I lost track I know my quit date was 12/17 I'm thinking ten years ago? The system was updated so I can't see my old posts.
I think about this place all the time and I still have my stop smoking shirt I received!!!
It was my third attempt, prior using gum, patches and Wellbutrin. Hm it was the year Peter Jennings the news castor died of lung cancer that was what pushed me. I have always suffered from anxiety and his death was the reason I did I guess. I also had been I'm my severely abusive marriage for about 14 years and that didn't help.
I found this site and literally lived on it. Every time I was having a phycjotic break I would post and a drove of encouragement would be received in minutes.
I used chanted the final quit. I also went on anti depressants and xanax to help me not give in.
I was a professional chain smoker and I did it. My lord it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do. I bet all of you want to ask do you still think about cigarettes or crave them? NO!! I don't anymore. For me it really took like 3 years. Now my ex husband (high five) the one who said I could never do it I was to weak and he could go it cold turkey. Well I did and he did not. He actually smokes way more. So I only really think about smoking when I see my co workers and him being a slave to that addiction and smile to myself and say oh yes I did!!!
You can I promise just reach out for help before you give in.
Good luck to all of you. If you want to ask any questions I would love to answer them my name was anxious1 I think I spelled it that way.
I send all of you hugs!!
Quit Meter
Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 5352
Hours: 15
Minutes: 48
Seconds: 51
Life Gained
Quit Meter
Smoke Free Days
Quit Meter
Cigarettes Not Smoked