Welcome to the site. How did your 1st day of being a quitter go? Are you still on your quit journey? Nervous and dreading it....been there done that! Actually choosing a day to quit and then sticking to it, may be one of the hardest things you can do. (Other than giving birth!) Sorry, I like to chuckle a lot. The unknowns are everywhere, and not knowing is the scary part. If you know what to expect then it should be easier for you. If you have the time, read through these forums. There is an awful lot of good information in here about what to expect, how to deal with it, and you can also learn how other people have failed so you won't make the same mistakes. I hope the motivation of being a parent for your children will help you on your journey. We can use all the help we can get on our quit journey!
Yay Jules! Come join the winning team, posting a ton here has really helped me stay motivated and accountable. And reading the archives was great for busting my illusions and excuses to keep smoking.
Tomorrow is my quit day. I'm very nervous and dreading it, because I enjoy smoking but at the same time, confident this is what I need to do and it will be so much better as a nonsmoker. I'm so excited to not need a smoke break and see my one year old through the window smiling and waving at me. I hate not being right there with him. I couldn't quit when I was pregnant with him and I feel so guilty about that. But we got lucky and he's so perfect! I'm not putting my wants over my children's needs ever again. I'm 5 weeks pregnant with number 2 and its a fresh start. You would think it would be easier to quit knowing you're pregnant, but it was so, so hard for me the first time. I tried multiple times. But I must succeed, and am confident i can handle it. Now that I truly understand what it's like and what it means to be a mother, that's the biggest advantage and motivation i could have.
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