Dear Bkamath,
I was about to write you a post on another thread to congratulate you on your 3 days and on your decision to quit...then I saw this post!!! Well done for your 3 days... I am known for speaking my mind too! -
Machiavelli is right, this is your addiction talking. Do read the book, but also read posts from way back on this site...there are hundreds and they can help. Most of us have had the "If I just have one now and again it'll be OK" Believe me it won't be will end up at square one feeling down and lacking self-esteem, and you will remain an addict.
I quit having smoked very heavily for 40 years, but my husband, like yourself, did not smoke much at all, (2 cigs a day) but he found the craves were there just bad for him as they had been for me.
You are NOT being stupid posting this. It's good to ask questions that may help you. If you keep feeding your addiction, you will never lose the craves even if you are strong enough to keep your cigarettes to one a week. When we put the nicotine into our bodies, the brain receives a 'rush' and this is why the centres in our brain keep asking us to repeat the process. That is an addiction!
It's not a question of our lungs being strong enough to deal with one a's the addiction process. 'Boring' is not how I would describe the craves...horrendous more like! You have managed without nicotine for 3 days so far, so, if you are not using any nicotine patches or any other aid, most of the nicotine should be gone from your system, and you now have to deal with the habit you had.
Fight each crave as it comes on...they really do not last long, and stop listening to the addiction whispering in your ear!
"After all come on people what will go wrong if I smoke once in 15 days or so?" My Nicodemon used to talk in my ear all the time just like that! I just remembered the following Mantra -
Whatever it takes, just don't smoke (or chew)!
Take one day at a time and you will succeed.
Love Lolly.