Hi there,
As a quit date approaches it is so normal to have self-doubts...will I be strong enough? what if such and such happens? The best thing you can do right now is to prepare in a positive fashion.
Have a quit corner with all your coping aids such as sugar free treats, gum, patches etc. Make lists of what you are going to do in all situations, so that you are not caught out when Nicodemon taps you on the shoulder. I'm sure you have done lots of this, and yet these doubts still niggle. I always felt I had the Nicodemon on one shoulder and my Guardian Angel on the other...I was trapped in the middle with mad conversations going on between them!
Don't torture yourself with doubts, just make sure you are as ready as you can be. Remain in a very positive frame of mind...allowing doubts to creep in will undermine that...normal as it is.
I actually brought forward my quit date because of those doubts, but I'm not saying that is a good idea, it's just what I needed to do. Have you decided to quit on 1 Jan 2013? You should find yourself surrounded by others quitting something or other, and that may be a good thing...just you concentrate on yourself and your quit...you need to be a bit selfish at the start and protect your quit with everything you can.
Do come here to SSC as much as possible at the start, as there are so many people who know how you feel.
Thinking of you!
Love Lolly.