Original Post by: Brenda
Addiction is cunning and baffling, Working On it. I don't buy the argument that it has zero IQ. If that were the case, we would surely be able to outsmart it. I treat mine like it's a genius and simply steer clear of it, since I cannot outwit it. I suspect that if you were to smoke after being 6 months clean, you would experience anxiety because of more reasons than what you cited. The disappointment of caving in, or becoming hooked again because you decided to experiment with your addiction, would cause a lot of it. Don't treat your addiction like it's an idiot. Continue to have a very cautious respect for it.
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Days: 648 Hours: 15
Minutes: 51 Seconds: 37
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Days: 1224 Hours: 14
Minutes: 37 Seconds: 41
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Amount Saved
Quit Meter
Days: 648 Hours: 15
Minutes: 51 Seconds: 37
Life Gained
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