Veterans and newer quitters......................guess I fall into both categories.
The weekend is going to be different this week to the one last week. Why.......because last week I was a smoker and this week I am a smoker who chooses not to smoke!
Last week I stayed up later than anyone else in the house on the Friday night. You see I was one of those sad individuals who pretended that they didn't smoke. Its a farce really isn't it............after only two days of stopping again you realise that you smell disgusting from 100 yards.
So anyway, there I was, outside the kitchen door in the rain, hoping that my daughter or wife would not come downstairs and catch me red-handed.
On the Saturday morning, I offered to take my daughter to her football match. She has been playing since she was 9 and is now a football (soccer for you guys over the pond) referee as well. She has her own car but you see, if I take her I can get a couple of cigars in round the back of the club house. There is then the sad routine of chewing gum and hand-washing.................and the sad look in her eyes as she gets back in the car for the journey home.
On the Sunday, can't wait for my wife to take the dog out for a walk. I can have a smoke while she is gone and then have a shower with that strong smelling lime stuff. And then I can use the excuse of getting the newspaper to buy another pack of cigars so i don't run out when I stay up late again that night.........
This weekend.............well I'm going to go to bed at the same time as everyone else, I'm actually going to watch my daughter play football and I'm going to go with my wife to walk the dog. And,when we get back, I will actually be able to taste the roast beef, home-made gravy, yorkshire puddings and fresh vegetables! (which I will have cooked btw as my wife is allergic to the kitchen!).
Which do you like the sound of the most....................Brent (never another puff!)