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Get Organized!

11 years ago 0 11213 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Where could you use some more organization?
Externally and internally where could you improve?

How can you start to make sense of it all, without having to feel overloaded and closed in.

Start with doing a tally of where you need to improve then start where you want to.

Take it room by room or section by section, and start purging.  Get rid of anything you haven’t used for more than a year or doesn’t have sentimental value.  Clothes, toys, knick knacks, books, shoes, etc and free yourself of clutter.

This can be very therapeutic!

It keeps you busy and occupied
It frees you of clutter
It can relax you
You may actually find something you lost.

Purging can be a great coping and relaxing technique, so start with one room and work your way around the house!
Ashley, Health Educator

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