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Need to quit, but can?t

12 years ago 0 792 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Eyja, I too read Dr. Amens books and found them facinating. He got me on to my own investigation into how the brain works it's the most incredible thing Nature ever produced.
William - Free and Healing for Eight Months, Fifteen Days, 15 Hours and 25 Minutes, while extending my life expectancy 31 Days and 16 Hours, by avoiding the use of 9122 nicotine delivery devices that would have cost me $4,149.41.
12 years ago 0 823 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi again Hengest;
You still checking in here?  I hope so!  I also hope I didn't discourage you to continue working on your motivation to quit smoking with my previous post. Not my intent!
If you can dig into the emotional reasons you have for your desire to smoke, you may be able to beat this demon sooner than later, and that would be so great for you! I dealt with the agony of 'closet smoking' for so long - I wouldn't wish it on anyone!  Hence - 'enjoy' smoking if you're going to do it; or at least, don't beat yourself up over it if you aren't quite ready to quit yet! 
I recently came across this book (which I hope I'm allowed to mention here at SSC) called 'Magnificent Mind at any Age' by Daniel Amen and found it amazing! It addresses how our neurotransmitters process out thoughts and belief patterns through brain imaging technology.  The scans detect different levels of brain activity in each major area (cortex, limbic, basal ganglia, cerebellum, etc) and note where brain activity is possibly unbalanced. There are helpful hints, exercises and natural supplements, including diet & vitamins suggested for dealing with insomnia, anxiety, stress and yes, addictions!  That's  where I found this wisdom on pg 31: 'Thinking is a habit. Most people think that thoughts just happen. We're not taught to question or correct negative words or images that run wild in our heads. Our brain and body respond to every thought we have. At all ages, including young children, our thoughts are either helping us or hurting us. Positive thought release chemicals that help you feel good; negative thoughts release a completely different set of chemicals make you feel bad and erode the functioning of your brain.'

This was a eye opener for me; the body's physical reaction to our thought processes and how we subconsciously assimilate our thoughts into words and therefore our beliefs!  Then our beliefs become the truth to our subconscious mind and we carry that into our actions!  So our thoughts and therefore, words, do turn into our self fulfilling prophecies!  Could have used this info years ago myself but at least am grateful to have found it now.  Perhaps this is old info and not news for you at all; in that case, maybe someone else here will find it useful . . . But I do wish you all the best in getting into that grad school Hengest! And all the best in finding your belief that you can quit those flavor tipped cigars (when you're ready!) too.  Eyja 
12 years ago 0 823 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Hengest;  It's a self fulfilling prophecy.  Your blog I mean.  Your wrote:  'What if I fail? Oh wait . . .I will'.  Two days later, you wrote:  'I did!'.  You even titled this post 'Need to quit, but can't'.  So you are highly intelligent (you'd never get through your master's program if that’s not the case).  So what if you were to apply for grad school - got all your applications together and then said: 'By the way, I desperately want to be accepted here, but I'm not very optimistic that I'll be able to make it through the program.  You know, I really want to, but what if I fail? Oh wait . . . I will.' 

Do you think you'd add that tag line at the end of your application?  I highly doubt it!  Just taking a chance here, but my guess is that you'll be doing your utmost to outline your successes - and project your belief that you're worthy!  Also, you probably know in your heart that you can & will find a way to make it work - through your application process, into grad school (you'll make it!) and right through the next incredible 6 years you're anticipating now! You'll make it - because you believe you will! 

Now your smoking habit is just that - a habit!  You aren't your addiction!  You're a wonderful young person ready to embark on your dream.  You simply have a habit that you'd like to change.  But you know your subconscious mind is assimilating all your thoughts and each time you think, post, speak or stress over the idea that you can't beat this demon, the more you're ingraining this 'truth' into your belief system!  Self fulfilling prophecy! 

Now you will beat this thing - I have no doubt!  But you really don't have to do it today!  It's okay to spend time preparing for your quit - setting a date - and allowing yourself to totally love your vanilla tipped cigars as long as you're smoking them! You may as well give yourself permission without guilt until you feel ready.  Then one day when you're fed up, that last smoke tasted like crap; you hate your breath; your crave level is low (it happens ya know) Then - you set out with your plan, (make sure to have one, just like for school) support network in place, and your belief that a measly little brown tube of tobacco has no chance to overpower you.  With that attitude, you will find your desire to say NOPE - Not One Puff Ever.  Then you will find your way to success - it will show up for you - maybe it will be staying at your parents' place for a bit, maybe it will be laser therapy (as Satori recently discovered) along with your cold turkey quit; maybe a short time on the patch so you don’t feel the blues so bad (and need your brain for school).  But you will find your success when you truly believe your reasons to quit smoking outweigh the benefits you believe you receive from smoking.  Wishing you all the best!  Eyja

12 years ago 0 3875 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Hengest! If you are desperate to quit, spend some time here, go through the program if you haven't done so yet, read all you can here. There is a ton of information of what nicotine does to you, tips on how to quit, what to use etc etc etc. Have you considered the patch? That is what I used and I stayed on it a bit longer than suggested because I wanted to be sure I could do it. (Winter is the best time to use that patch as it sticks better than in warm summer weather) there are lots of options. If you are planning to go to school, now would be an awesome time to quit, because as you embark on new experiences that are not associated with smoking, it will be easier for you  to get through your days smoke free! Its up to you! It is a choice. Give it some thought!
12 years ago 0 9 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My last post was directed to Kitten.
Deb:  No, I haven't quit.  If anything my smoking has only gotten worse over the past few weeks.  Basically the next six years of my life are hanging on how productive and concentrated I can be over the next few weeks (grad school applications), and bringing upon myself the temporary side-effects of quitting at a time like this would verge on irresponsible.  
I desperately want to quit, though.  I really do.  I'm trying to figure out what I can do differently in my next serious attempt to really make it stick -I live alone, and I'm seriously considering moving in with my parents for a couple weeks next month so they can keep me in line as I go through that very difficult initial phase of cold turkey.  
12 years ago 0 9 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Can't take champix, unfortunately, due to my history of depression.  Thanks for the suggestion, though, and congrats on your six days.
12 years ago 0 375 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You seem to be where I was many years ago when I joined here.
It took me a long time.  Have you quit?  Where are you darling? 
You sound so much like me.  Too busy. 
12 years ago 0 3875 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Hengest! Actually you really can quit - you just haven't found out what works for you yet, but please do keep on trying Henest! Champix may be well worth trying for you, or not - your choice, but please remember quitting is so doable. Remember that you are addicted to the nicotine, so it helps to treat yourself that way. You will have to pamper and take care of yourself to go through this journey, and a positive attitude really helps.
Alot of us didn't quit until smoking make us very sick, you are very wise to try to quit now, before it can cause alot of havoc in your life. Cigarettes really are poison! Stick close by us here and you will find the strength you need to do it! I wish you luck, let us know how you are doing!
12 years ago 0 9 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey guys, I just wanted to thank you all for the empathy and the advice -it really moved me.  I won't reply to you guys individually, as it is very late and I have other things to do, but I would invite you to visit the blog I've started on this site so we can continue this conversation.  Thanks again!
12 years ago 0 2 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I must say your post describes me completely. Except that I have been smoking for 4 years and 10 cigs a day. But today is the day I quit. No more cigs for me eventhough i am not highly confident about it I am really hopeful....

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