Hey there - wondering if anyone has any advice for quieting the anxious thoughts instilled by doctors? I haven't been diagnosed with anxiety/panic disorder, although my 'attacks' are definitely situational -ie. fine at home, attacks at work or out in crowds- so I'm pretty sure this is what I am dealing with. However, the minute I mentioned 'numbness' and 'dizziness' to my doctor he sent me to a neurologist, thinking it was neck problems. The MRI and xrays of my neck came back normal. So the nuerologist is thinking 'MS'. No one is listening to me when I tell them that I am pretty much ok at home, on the weekends (when I'm at home) or if I'm on vacation, unless we go out in a crowd. If I'm distracted I'm ok too. But in crowds and especially at work my symptoms are terrible. I find it difficult to believe that I have 'situational MS'. But the thought is now in my head and I can't get it out.
I've read about MS and it's symptoms but unfortunately, early onset of this disease presents with similar symptoms to anxiety - dizziness, numbness, loss of sleep, nausea, etc. So while I keep telling myself that it's probably anxiety (I'm generally a very 'high strung' person and my mother suffered with depression, as did my sister and my grandmother, and my brother with agoraphobia, gad and ocd), but I can't help but think 'what if it is MS?' And then I start to freak out even more.
I can't stop the 'what if' thoughts. I just started the 12 week Panic Program, and I have an appt to see a counsellor next week. But I also have an MRI scheduled of my brain this week - at my neurologist's recommendation. I don't want to take this test - I know it's making everything worse for me this week - just the thought of taking it (I'm VERY claustrophobic so they are going to give me a Valium before the test) and the thought of what the results could be. I know that I won't want to hear the results if they are positive for MS. I've already told my husband that he will have to hear the results and not tell me if it is MS (since there isn't much that can be done anyway).
But at the same time I'm very very much freaking out over this. And also I should mention that my sleep is terrible, I've started trembling when I wake up, plus having lots of nightmares and a nerve