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cold turkey!

13 years ago 0 3207 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Eya, you are doing just great. Please do not listen to whoever it is telling you to smoke, whether they be real or imaginary  
I want to talk a little about your all over the place anxiety, okay? During my early days of not smoking I was very interested in the effects of lack of nicotine on the neurotransmitter action in my brain. Oh, I guess I cared about it in other people's brains, but at that point I was pretty self-focused. I really really didn't want to go to all that trouble just to feel like very very bad crap - depressed, anxious, etc. I was taking chantix and it was truly a miracle drug for me. I was actually not smoking. First time in 35 years. No matter what I'd tried before - gum, patch, welbutrin, I still smoked. The only few days I'd been able to string together was 25 years previously, and that was because I was up on the
But, I digress...I was really worried that once I was off the chantix AND the nicotine, that I would fall into a deep depression (having had many years of a slight, and then at times, very uncomfortable depression and lots of anxiety over just about everything).  I didn't worry as much about the anxiety, although depression and anxiety are so closely related in terms of neurotransmitter stuff, and believe me, I can worry with the best of them. But, what I found was, once I was off the chantix (which works by substituting for nicotine in the neurotransmitter scheme of things), and of course, nicotine, I was no longer depressed or anxious! I mean markedly so. Since being through with all of it, I have been the calmest and happiest I've ever been. Sure, there have been times when I've been sad about things that are happening, or have worried about how things are going to turn out for my loved ones, but I really believe that my neurotransmitters are working the way they are supposed to. I also believe that I was medicating myself with nicotine all those years.
Your experience may not be the same as mine, but I can't help but wonder if all this free-ranging anxiety is in part due to your neurotransmitters responding to the lack of nicotine before they come back into a more balanced state without the effect of nicotine. I admire your cold turkey approach, and can't help but reflect on the much easier time I feel I had because the chantix substituted for the nicotine initially. I truly believe that if you keep sticking it out, this anxiety will subside and you (and your neurotransmitters) will feel so much better. It might take a little while longer, but it will happen. I wish I knew how long it takes to get things in our brains working right again, but from what I've seen it is the very rare person who doesn't feel so so much better emotionally after the first few months. That you have such a  outlook suggests to me that you will be one of the majority.
Keep up the great quit you've got going, do nice things for yourself, get some exercise, and hopefully you'll be feeling worry free very soon.
13 years ago 0 823 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
LoL on Lil Miss Sunshine Aloha!  I didn't mean to steal it from you Island Girl! I've been trying hard to shed some light on my non smoking world. I worry about things beyond my control.  i.e. My friend's family in Japan on Friday - And then you on Saturday when I heard the Tsunami was headed toward Hawaii - then the folks on the Pacific West Coast (oh ya . . .that's Me and my family too) on the Pacific West Coast. Now am glued to news for nuclear fallout; what will be done? How can this disaster be curtailed?  What about the fighting in Africa and the Middle East?  All this beyond my feeble little scope of control. I feel disassociated from my common sense these days! You'd think over 40 days nic free would start to bring my brain around, but not so! Seems like I could clear my  cobwebs & sort things out better when I had my nic buzz!  You know, my nemesis (smoking buddy) told me on the phone the other night that I should light up!  Just Do it! Cave Girlfriend! You know you're a mess! So just have a smoke; you can quit again later when you can handle LIFE better!  Argggh!  But there is NO WAY I'm willing to Go Through This Quitting Hell Again! CT has been quite brutal on me this time! So instead I'm trying to Cope!  So glad you popped in today Aloha!  Thanks for the   Eya
13 years ago 0 3207 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Look who's turned into Little Miss Sunshine, Eya! Glad to see your happiness. Now that wasn't so bad, was it  Not that you'd ever want to go back through those early days for sure. Isn't it amazing to be free of the NEED all the time? How are you and hubby managing the sugar shack without cigs? Did I see somewhere that he is quitting too, or is that just wishful thinking on my part? Anyway, wanted to stop by and give ya a big Way to go, Girl!!! Keep remembering NOPE and one of these days you won't even think about smoking anymore. Promise.
13 years ago 0 823 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello? How are you all doing? JoDee & Roxie - how are your weeks going?  Hope you check in soon!  Also, Marbles & J Montgomery of the newly quit world - what's up guys? Hope you're all well and still remembering to say NOPE!  
13 years ago 0 823 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Mornin Quit Sistahs!   Just checking in before work - Springin' ahead today! Ya, JoDee - the 'circle of life'!  We can't go back to simpler times or erase events that have lead us to where we are, no matter how we'd like to take away heartache, stop the earthquakes & fighting & hunger & loss & suffering of our loved ones!  Sigh  But today is a new day. I'm grateful to have found you guys here and so glad that you and Shy One are sticking with this 2011 Quit too! Funny about your avatar JoDee - am betting most work folks'd be proud of your Quit and eloquence here at SSC - if not, too bad for them; you're doing great!
And I'm so glad you're rockin' you new spiky doo, Shy One!  You sound like you're coming into your own! Feeling good about yourself and being happy and proud of your new achievements is wonderful! If others around you are sad, or especially if they're trying to drag you into their cesspool of despair, maybe you can try my new trick; I just get real quiet and smile on the inside!  I don't try to change the other person (anymore).  I treat it like cravings; just curb my first response, (if it would add stress), then walk away. Come back a bit later with a smile - sometimes it is the 'smile' that ends up being contagious lately!  Good on ya! for the bit 'o meat on your bones too Rox!  KTQ  Sistahs (& Bros!)
13 years ago 0 41 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Eya, I decided to change my avatar when I realized this is the stop smoking site recommended by work, I thought not everyone needs to connect my ramblings to a face!!!!!  I have decided to head home and go for a walk around the lake and not spend one dime in the casino.  The fact that i dribbled ice cream down my sweater contributed to that decision as well
thanks for the kind thoughts about my stressful week.  It is the circle of life.  I decided not to add to my stress of having to go through the whole quiting stress again.  I don't need that pain again.
13 years ago 0 653 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Roxie,
I like your attitude! Great work!
Tiana, Health Educator
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    Days: 5543 Hours: 23

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    Smoke Free Days

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    Cigarettes Not Smoked

13 years ago 0 823 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi All Quitters!  Hey JoDee!  So glad to see you again -  Hmm - is  that you a few years ago (new avatar)?  Or is that another one of your cute relatives (grand daughter or niece?) YAY! for you on keeping the Quit even with smoke in your car and house. Grrr!  Sorry to hear of your Dad in Law - not a nice disease, and very stressful for your family, I'm sure.  We don't let anyone smoke in our house (only the outbuilding 'sugar shack') - but for some reason the car is still a smoke zone. I was totally disappointed in my quit buddy for lighting up after only one week into our 'mutual quit' - until I I realized the irony - duh! like how many X have I bailed on her before!  
So glad you're saving your $$$ but do you think you'll miss your casino bonus afternoon? Are you going to do your hair instead?  I learned from something valuable from Shy One and used my 'bonus' smoke money to get a few 'bright blond' highlights in my otherwise dk hair (went to the salon) So I'm lookin' pretty racy, even though I'm a bit of a Buddha-Butt already after 5 wks Quit and 13 excess  lbs later.  Tackling that . . . but still NOPE!  
13 years ago 0 45 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
JoDee, I'm so sorry to hear about what's going on in your family... But I'm SO PROUD of you for staying quit, even when faced with so many triggers! (I'm getting a craving just from imagining myself in that situation...) I hope I can do the same when I find myself in similar circumstances. And congrats on the bonus!!!
I was faced with some unforeseen and uncontrollable situations this past month, and it helped me to realize that, while I have limited control over my surroundings, I DO have control over my (not) smoking! So that helped a lot. I'm sort of a control freak when it comes to myself and to stressful situations...So having a sense of control over SOMETHING helps me cope.
Another thing I realized is that it's OK for me to be happy while other people are sad. Doesn't that seem like a horrible thing to say? It did to me for soooo long! Now I realized that it's OK for me to feel good even if my loved ones don't. I mean, I'm not gonna feel good BECAUSE they feel bad, but I *AM* gonna choose to be well IN SPITE OF what's happening around me.
I need to get lost for an afternoon myself...any ideas?
eya, I loved reading your reply! Long live the Queen! <3 I did exactly that: I had an awesome steam bath going and I had a great time without worrying what I looked like. And then suddenly I decided that I'm going to rock the "statement blond" look from now on. Well, until it grows out, anyway. ;) So I got some trusted hair mousse and I'm going spiky-messy tomorrow.
We can do this!!! In the words of the lead singer of Garbage, the great Shirley Manson, "The Trick Is to Keep Breathing".
13 years ago 0 41 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Guys,
Today is officially 31 days, so it is a month for sure.  I had a tough week.  We put my father in law in a nursing home.  He has Lewy Body Dementia, it is not a pretty disease.  Lots of family around, my step sons smoked in my car and in my house, I didn't crack.  I just absolutely do not want to go through the quit again.  Usually my addict brain talks me in to it.  Just one, but I said NOPE!!!!!  I also got some good news, I get my annual bonus tomorrow, YAY.  Normally, I would spend the afternoon at the casino, smokes, and drinks, what a glorios way to get lost for the afternoon.  Not going to happen this year!  I am saving money all over the place.
Bright blonde hair for the shy one!!!!  The lovely thing about hair is it will grow  YAY!
Eya, I am glad you are hanging in there, I was worried when you said you had your quit buddy smoking in your car.  That is ridiculously hard.  I usually get sucked(ha ha get it sucked) back in when I go for drinks with her.  We went out Sunday afternoon, and I stuck to it NOPE!!!  I am sure she was like come on girl I need my smoking buddy, but she was supportive.
keep up the good work guys!

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