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Hypochondriac (Always worried about my health)

20 years ago 0 5 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Im just a kid but I have the same symptoms. If i read about any sickness I get all worked up over imaginary symptoms. I know its in my head but I can't seem to drive the thoughts out. I don't want my mom to have to pay for help for me. Would my school counselor be able to help???
20 years ago 0 91 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I know how you feel. I posted a question the other day about what people do when they are alone and panicking. My fear of being alone is because I don't want to be alone and sick. If I get a stomach ache I totally panic because, for me, it's "stomach flu" that I won't get over for days (at least in my mind). One things we can say for ourselves: We have very active imaginations! That can be a blessing and a curse. katie
20 years ago 0 4 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Im the same way also.. any single pain i get, suddenly becomes this horrible thing. My sister called me a hypocondriac the other day and i calmly started thinking on how true that statement actually was. It REALLY doesnt help with anxiety because anytime I get that little pain or whatever, I dwell on it (for 5min or 4 days, whatever) and my anxiety is constantly on the rocks.. Your not alone!
20 years ago 0 4 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hello to all! Me too, same problem. And once I resolve that it isn't what I originally had been panicking about, I make it into something else (equally disastrous) and start the cycle all over. Had terrible problems six years ago, and this all started back after my 7 month old was born. I've spent so much on prescriptions and medical bills that it is embarrassing, and can't really talk to anyone but you all about it, since noone understands.
20 years ago 0 11 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Nancy, I am the same way too. I am constantly worrying about my health & constantly running to the Dr. for every little thing. Guess what.. there is nothing wrong woth me! I have had all the neccessary blood work, physicals, EKG,S, eccocardiogram.. etc. I seem to have a new symptom of anxiety or panic every singe day. A word of advise that worked for me, don't research anything on the the internet relating to your health. You are in a sensitive state right now & anything can heighten you. I learned to stop doing that myself. I would read things & it would scare the hell out of me! It's bad enough that the panic does that! Anyways, try to think positive, I know it's hard because for some reason it's always easier to think negative. Try to relax. I hope this helped.
20 years ago 0 62 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Dear hypochondriac i feel the same way!!!! since i was child i have that problem. but now i'm a adult and that become worse now. like you i hace panic attacks and depression due to i worry to much about my health!!!the last 2 moths were the most miserable in mi life 'cause mi panic attacks y my axiety were every single days,well there's one think that help me alot in the last 2 days 1-THIS SITE THE PANIC CENTER here i find that were not alone and many people can help us! :) ( sorry mi english is my second language!)
20 years ago 0 46 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Nancy, I know it's been a few weeks since you wrote, but I haven't been to this site in a while and just found your post. Ironically, I found it because I'm going through the hypochondriac thing myself and I was looking for posts regarding headaches. About a week ago I bent over, and when I pulled myself up I felt a little popping sensation on the side of my head that I've had several times before throughout my life without problems afterward. This time however I started getting this split-second shooting pain in my temple about once a day, when I'd turn my head too fast or bend over. When I mentioned it to my mother she gave me her usual grave look and said "You should get that checked out." My mother is a bit of a hypochondriac herself. This sent me over the edge a bit and I spent all day yesterday and all night trying not to freak out about it, which is exhausting in itself. Since I started worrying about it I've now developed a mild pressure in that area, maybe just because I'm concentrating on it or maybe just because it's PMS time. I'm thinking that since our skulls are covered with muscles, maybe I pulled or strained one and that's what I'm feeling. My problem is that although I can tend to be a hypochondriac I'm also phobic about doctors and have no health coverage anyway so going to see a doctor for reassurance isn't really an option for me. Plus, in my experience doctors can be very cold when they suspect I'm just a hypochondriac wasting their time. It seems like whenever I've gone to a doctor with a problem they can't give me an actual diagnosis, so maybe all my problems have been psychosomatic and I just need to relax. So now I'm babbling, but I guess my original point was that you're not alone. Every pain I get (abdominal, chest pains, etc.) always scares me into thinking of the worst case scenario. In fact one of the reasons I hadn't been to the site in a while was because all of the "see your doctor" posts were adding to my anxiety because to me it was like validation that something could be seriously wrong. I understand the reason for them, especially from a legal standpoint, but it still freaks me out.
20 years ago 0 8 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
HI I was just wondering if anyone has these types of feelings..I imagine it may be due to panic disorder also...I am constantly worried about my health, and if I have any symptom (real or imagined) I fear the worst...If I have a headache= brain tumor; stomach pain=ovarian cancer; i have a dental problem right now and am sure I have either mouth cancer or a tooth abcess that will go to my brain shortly and kill me! I know typing it out like this kind of sounds ridiculous, but I cant stop the thoughts...I waste hours on the internet searching about diseases and symptoms and comparing mine to them...Sometimes I am ok for awhile, but then it hits again full force and I get myself so worked up that I actually make myself sick...Sometimes I go to doctors for things that I know arent really drastic or needed but when I get in this state, I feel I need to see someone right away to confirm or deny the diagnosis I have given my self...Ironically, I have worked for doctors for years ( a general surgeon and a neuro-surgeon (helpful if I did have the dreaded brain tumor!), but I dont work for doctors anymore.... Does anyone feel this way, and what would be a suggestion for me? I am not in therapy now, but have been off and on over the years for my anxiety/panic attacks...I also take no meds, other than I have Xanax, but dont like to rely on it Thanks so much

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