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No Intention

15 years ago 0 1080 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Bear my story is similar too- although I really really wanted to quit, I felt like after 35 years smoking it would be an impossibility. I had patches from the National Health Service here in the UK, not free, but massively discounted. I chose my late father's birthday as my quit day and put on a patch telling no one.
I was so convinced they wouldn't work, I thought I would work the day come home rip it off and have a smoke. However, I can honestly say I put on the patch and never desired another cigarette-true I had bizarre psychological thoughts and dreams, but no physical cravings and I know how lucky I am not to have experienced those.
So I echo your sentiments, have a go, have a try- it may not be nowhere near as difficult as you have been led to believe.

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 5/10/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 231
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 5,775
Amount Saved: $3,465.00
Life Gained:
Days: 27 Hrs: 2 Mins: 22 Seconds: 48

15 years ago 0 567 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Bear--always fun reading your stories....
But--yes--my story was alot like yours..wasn't sure I really could or would or wanted to quit..but I kept saying just for today, if I can make it through this minute, this hour, this day, then I'll try tomorrow. Guess what--here I am at 300 days--and do have to say it may be one of the best decisions in my 50 years!
So--I have to extend a welcome and a hand to anyone who may be thinking about quitting for the new year. Give it a try. You may give yourself and your family the best gift ever. There are so many benefits--it is  a lifechanging, soul searching road.
It is a time and cause for celebrating yourself and your life. You're worth it...give a try. One day, one minute at a time. You, too can be a non-smoker...

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 3/1/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 300
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 9,000
Amount Saved: $2,025.00
Life Gained:
Days: 34 Hrs: 4 Mins: 2 Seconds: 39

15 years ago 0 1843 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Bear, what a wonderul post!  Hopefully some "lurkers" will read this and open the door!  For me, a health scare put me on the non smoking path.  I was diagnosed with a cyst on my tailbone and a blood clot.  The cyst was non-cancerous, but I was given every physical test known to mankind to make sure there were no other cysts/tumors.  I was also put on Coumadin (a blood thinner) for the clot.  When my oncologist told me that if I didn't quit smoking I would have to be on Coumadin for the rest of my life due to an increased risk of blood clots, I went cold turkey two days later.  I knew I had to quit.  I knew I couldn't fail.  There was no way I was going on Coumadin for the rest of my life as I was only 43yo.  What this site did for me was keeping me going when I was struggling, helping me with stressful situations, understanding why becoming a non smoker was important to my health, and most important, it allowed me to share my story with others, as others had shared their story with me.  There is alot of pay it forward here.  And you know what is the most amazing?  People with 2,3,4,5 year or longer quits still stop here on a regular basis.  They want to keep this thing going!  It worked for them, and they want it to work for others.
My Milage:

My Quit Date: 8/20/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 128
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 5,120
Amount Saved: $1,024.00
Life Gained:
Days: 19 Hrs: 0 Mins: 18 Seconds: 45

15 years ago 0 67 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I was also part of a research group that received 5 weeks of free HRT, not quite enough but it certainly helped the pocket book.  My original quit date was my birthday Oct. 21 which I had set 4 months previously and prepared for the big day.  The group did not meet until Oct. 26 and I decided that actually quitting was more important than the actual date, so I put it off for a few days.  I felt that I was in withdrawl for the 2 weeks BEFORE I quit.....very strange.  It was almost a relief when that special day came.  I was actually looking forward to it and although I still crave, I find it manageable.  When I really think about a crave, I find that it is nowhere near as strong as when I was smoking and needing to smoke when I couldn't.  This web site was one of many suggested by the group at the health unit and I started to read, and read, and read.  I did not sign up right away but felt such a connection with all of these wonderful, helpful and supportive people that I finally jumped in and feel right at home.  Thank you all.    Jo
My Milage:

My Quit Date: 10/26/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 61
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 1,220
Amount Saved: $219.60
Life Gained:
Days: 8 Hrs: 2 Mins: 39 Seconds: 33

15 years ago 0 955 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Thank you for sharing your wonderful story with us! This will be truly helpful to new members of the group.
Members, any one else care to share their thoughts or intentions when they joined SSC?
Sarah, Health Educator
  • Quit Meter


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    Days: 0 Hours: 0

    Minutes: 0 Seconds: 0

    Life Gained

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    Smoke Free Days

  • Quit Meter


    Cigarettes Not Smoked

15 years ago 0 1698 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Yep Thats the way that I arrived at SSC.I was 2 years retired,I had smoked for the better part of 50 years and I just could'nt see the point of quitting now.Well like you ,many people at the site asked " What the hell are you doing here anyhow "( sorry Josie )
The truth was I was part of a research group and all my NRT's were supplied and all I had to do was answer a few question from time to time and join a support group.Piece of cake right and if worst came to worst I could peddle the NRTs and make a profit.
Well I joined SSC and I hung around and then I started to wear the patch and I hung around and then hell week was over and then heck week was over and I hung around reading and reading and reading somemore and the rest is history.
My point,it does'nt matter if your smoking or not, or if you have the greatest intention in the world , or come armed with a new years resolution ( that your probable not going to keep anyhow ) or not but you must come with an open mind.
Just walk in the door with an open mind and see what happens .It ain't going to be easy to give up the weed but if you follow the program,read read and read somemore and take the support offered who knows you might even end up a non smoker .
Cheers and a Happy New Year.

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 3/20/2007
Smoke-Free Days: 647
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 12,940
Amount Saved: $5,176.00
Life Gained:
Days: 157 Hrs: 9 Mins: 33 Seconds: 2

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