Hi all, I'm twelve weeks quit and I've been off the Champix for one week. While taking Champix I had a very easy quit with very mild craves. Now, the past week has been really strange in regards to mood swings. Sadness, anger and stronger craves. I know that a few other members have used Champix/Chantix can anyone relate to this? My quit is OK I am just wondering how long these feelings might last. I tend to lose quits at the 3 month 4 month mark so this time, my final quit, I'm looking for advice.
My Milage:
My Quit Date: 5/13/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 84
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 1,680
Amount Saved: $557.76
Life Gained:
Days: 17 Hrs: 1 Mins: 46 Seconds: 50