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Back if you'll have me....again....

16 years ago 0 567 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Kristi--welcome back dear.
Let's see--this really is quite simple. You have to get the words NOPE in your head and remind yourself each and everytime a smoking thought crosses your mind. When the thoughts come--you have to repeat--smoking is not an option--what else can I do?
Are you going to use a NRT? I used wellbutrin for the first month or so--and I think it was really helpful in getting me through. Just arm yourself with the knowledge that this will be difficult---but look around on this site at all those who are doing it. And--we all have our challenges, big & small...and they are bearable without smoking...
I know you can do this. And I can tell you with honesty--that although there are some difficult days ahead----this is very DO-ABLE....& this is said from a 30+ year 2 pack a day smoker.........
And guess what---life is good without smelling, coughing and living in fear of the repercussions of nicotine...
Let's get 'er done:)

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 3/1/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 153
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 4,590
Amount Saved: $1,032.75
Life Gained:
Days: 17 Hrs: 10 Mins: 41 Seconds: 31

16 years ago 0 3908 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well Kristi I am not sure we will have you back you know why?
Once you get here you can never leave so we don't need to re admit you!
Rightcome on dust yourself down and start all over again!!!!!!!!!!
We are here

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 8/8/2006
Smoke-Free Days: 724
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 15,928
Amount Saved: �3,873.40
Life Gained:
Days: 145 Hrs: 21 Mins: 22 Seconds: 5

16 years ago 0 2778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
You hoo, Kristilu!!!
    How you doing??   How bout an update!!!

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 3/5/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 148
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 3,700
Amount Saved: $610.50
Life Gained:
Days: 24 Hrs: 5 Mins: 53 Seconds: 25

  • Quit Meter


    Amount Saved

  • Quit Meter

    Days: 1085 Hours: 5

    Minutes: 38 Seconds: 6

    Life Gained

  • Quit Meter


    Smoke Free Days

  • Quit Meter


    Cigarettes Not Smoked

16 years ago 0 515 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hey Kristi
just checking in on you! Hope all is well - DON'T dissapear on us again!! We want and need you here!!!

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 1/7/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 206
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 3,708
Amount Saved: $1,446.12
Life Gained:
Days: 18 Hrs: 15 Mins: 33 Seconds: 46

16 years ago 0 3307 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Kristilu, do not be so darn hard on yourself.  I do not know how many times I quit to only smoke again.  It is hard, darn hard to quit.  I know that each time I quit I knew it was the last time.  Well it wasn't the last time and that went on for quite some time.  Yes, there are those who put them down and never look back; I am married to one.  My husband never ever gave me a bad time when I would give up and smoke again.  He supported me though my quits and though my relapses.
We all can find something in our lives that seem to be stressful and use that to delay our quits.  Kristilu, you are going to have to come to terms that life happens whether you are smoking or not.  Actually when you are not smoking you can really deal better, hard to believe but it is the truth.

So welcome home and let's get this quit underway.

Keep the Quit

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 4/30/2007
Smoke-Free Days: 456
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 4,560
Amount Saved: $684.00
Life Gained:
Days: 64 Hrs: 14 Mins: 50 Seconds: 54

16 years ago 0 1356 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hey Kristilu,
I am sure i was one of the tough love ones and I would do it again, because i care and want so much for you to do this for yourself.

I forget I was you once, actually I wasn't, I never wanted to quit until I did.

and that is the way it is really, when you want to quit more than you want to smoke, you will.  that is the truth.  and it hit me just that quick and I was certain.

I am so glad you are back, and I support you 500 gizzilion percent!!

Try reading some hall of fame stories, maybe something will strike  a cord and resonate with you.  Stay close, post before you slip, and arm yourself with some weapons for those triggers.  You are the one who has to protect your quit, no one else can do this for you.

((((((((lots of hugs)))))))

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 5/3/2007
Smoke-Free Days: 453
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 4,530
Amount Saved: $906.00
Life Gained:
Days: 44 Hrs: 4 Mins: 58 Seconds: 24

16 years ago 0 5009 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Welcome back!!
My Milage:

My Quit Date: 2/13/2006
Smoke-Free Days: 897
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 26,910
Amount Saved: �7,063.88
Life Gained:
Days: 146 Hrs: 6 Mins: 13 Seconds: 48

16 years ago 0 967 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Kristilu, I know you want to quit, otherwise you wouldn't keep trying.  You have to remember that those cravings are going to come up all the time, not just during stress.  It really sucks, but you can work through them, and everytime you do, they get less strong.  It is a very hard road, at least it was for me, I cried alot, but leaned on everyone here who always pulled me out.  Like Jim said, you have to be prepared, otherwise it will grab you and pull you and post, and read and post somemore.  You can do this!!

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 12/6/2007
Smoke-Free Days: 236
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 7,080
Amount Saved: $885.00
Life Gained:
Days: 19 Hrs: 6 Mins: 2 Seconds: 44

16 years ago 0 2778 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
6 P's  Kristilu!!!
     Proper Planning Prevents Piss-Poor Performance!!!   Are you sure that you are properly prepared?  Totally committed?
   Do you really want to quit more than you want to smoke?  Do you really understand the concept of  N. O. P. E. ???
If your answer is YES, YES, YES, YES, then you CAN do this!  If you are wavering on answering YES to any of these questions, maybe you should postpone your quit date for a little bit and better prepare yourself for these unexpected double or triple whammies that come up!  Something is always going to come up.  You have to have your coping mechanisms ready and you have to have the mental attitude that NOTHING will get in the way of achieving your goal!  Does that make sense? 
     We're here for you!!!

My Milage:

My Quit Date: 3/5/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 146
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 3,650
Amount Saved: $602.25
Life Gained:
Days: 23 Hrs: 21 Mins: 1 Seconds: 44

  • Quit Meter


    Amount Saved

  • Quit Meter

    Days: 1085 Hours: 5

    Minutes: 38 Seconds: 6

    Life Gained

  • Quit Meter


    Smoke Free Days

  • Quit Meter


    Cigarettes Not Smoked

16 years ago 0 392 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well, here goes your first test.  Got home yesterday had a fight with my dad , which I never do, this morning had a fight with hubby, so on the way to work I bought a pack.  I think I just get so freaking anxious before I ever get started good.  And I only have internet at work right now, (right in the middle of relocating), so I couldn't work it out online last night.  I know, triggers triggers triggers.  Just wasn't prepared for the double whammy.  Changing my date to tomorrow.  Trying to get in a zone today.
My Milage:

My Quit Date: 7/29/2008
Smoke-Free Days: 0
Cigarettes Not Smoked: 0
Amount Saved: $0.00
Life Gained:
Days: 0 Hrs: 1 Mins: 0 Seconds: 18

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