You know the longer that you stay away from smoking, the more you realize you don’t really want to get caught up in the smoking trap never, ever again. And if fact you find out that you don’t really want to put that smoke up to your lips and suck that smoke down deep into your lungs and then exhale. Thinking about that makes me dizzy , heck I’m naturally a dizzy guy anyway!
I would like all of you to know that you have touched my life in a positive way; you truly do put a big smile on my face, see . God bless all of you.
There are so many things we can do now without having that smoke get in our way. Why I can sit down at my desk, focus and concentrate and find a solution to a problem without what ? Without one of those little things burning up beside me in the ash tray, smoke rising finding my right eye .
I wish all of you a smoke free life. And if you can’t find a good enough reason to quit, then go ahead and just do it for me. Make my day, be !
Stickin To It