Ativan and Xanax are impossible, they should be taken off the market, they are an economic waste to pharms, sense doctors do not presribe then.
My psychiatrist has only prescribed me Klonopin .5mg, does nothing, i tell him to maybe switch to Lorazepam at .5mg, absolutly not, C-L-O-N-A-Z-E-P-A-M!!! only increaed it to 4 daily, my mom doesnt give it to me, she locks it in the closet with 2 bolts, i've seen her take it before.
I must get to a hostital, psych ward, away from my corrupt parents. I must have all the drive to get away from this.
Nerve collapse is coming i must get to a doctor, who is flexable.
Screw Ativan, Thorazine will keep me from staying screwed up.