Welcome to Behavioral Therapy Day (CBT) on the forums!
Every Sunday and Thursday will now be known as CBT day.
Every Sunday a SSC health educator will launch a challenge. Members are encouraged to take on the challenge and post their results. On the following Thursday, a SSC educator will post specific tips and strategies to aid you in the way you look/interpret yourself and the way you view the world.
This week� challenge we will continue talking about stress management�
How much stress do you have on the job site? Take this small quiz to find out.
Enter a number from the sliding scale below that best describes you.
1 Strongly Disagree
5 Agree Somewhat
10 Strongly Agree
� I can't honestly say what I really think or get things off my chest at work.
� My job has a lot of responsibility, but I don't have very much authority.
� I could usually do a much better job if I were given more time.
� I seldom receive adequate acknowledgment or appreciation when my work is really good.
� In general, I am not particularly proud or satisfied with my job.
� I have the impression that I am repeatedly picked on or discriminated against at work.
� My workplace environment is not very pleasant or particularly safe.
� My job often interferes with my family and social obligations or personal needs.
� I tend to have frequent arguments with superiors, coworkers or customers.
� Most of the time I feel that I have very little control over my life at work.
Add up the replies to each question for your TOTAL JOB STRESS SCORE
If you score between 10-30, you handle stress on your job well; between 40-60, moderately well; 70-100, you�re encountering problems that need to be addressed and resolved.
(Source: Quiz Acquired from the American Institute of Stress)
Please feel free to share your score or experiences!