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Doing well... then it comes back

20 years ago 0 109 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
My advice regarding the sleep is stop worrying about the whys and go with the flow. Don't get up and reassure yourself that if your body really needed solid sleep it would take advantage of that and more reassuring talk to self that you will sleep solidly in the near future. I remember once reading how we go through different phases of sleep and I know that sometimes I am in such a light stage of sleep that I often wonder if I'm awake but when I am fully awake I won't allow myself to get up because I've read that is not good because it further jolts you awake so I lay there and deep breath and just relax and reassure myself I don't need to "sleep" to relax and be rested. Normally I nod back quickly. Good luck
20 years ago 0 98 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Mommzay, today I decided that I am going to take advantage of my personal days at work. So I used one. Last time I used one for anything other than vacation was last year and right around this time. I guess the winter blues has still got me a little. I worked my second job this morning and then took another yoga class (2 in the last 20 hours) and then I just felt so out of it. I got through the class and it felt great and, and my morning job went fine, but by 2 o'clock I was drained and worried about work tonight. So, I called my boss at my main job and just took one of my paid time off days. I felt I owed myself this. I am going to sit home and just relax. Maybe even go out on the porch and relax. I just was not feeling right, physically or emotionally. I have not been sleeping well and last night was no different. I fell asleep around midnight and woke at 4, then fell back to sleep until around 6:30-7. I got maybe 5 solid hours. The first 4 were very solid. It's tough to tell if anxiety is what's causing the sleeping trouble or if sleeping trouble is causing the anxiety. Then with the lack of sleep, the depersonalization feelings come back a little. Any advice? David
20 years ago 0 98 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Oh, I have been there Lula Bell. I had trouble on a plane recently. But I got over it. The thing you have to tell yourself is that it'll work out and when you're done you'll feel so good you went ahead with it. David
20 years ago 0 8 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I can relate. Today started off great. I was enjoying a day with my boyfriend of two years. I got a phone call from a prospective employer (I was laid off two months ago from a job I had for 12 years.....ouch!!) It was a positive call and I have an interview for next week, which I had been hoping for. The drawback is that it requires 2 weeks of training in New York. I live in Georgia. That's 2 weeks away from my safe place and my safe person. When I'm not panicky (sp?) about it I'm excited with the opportunity, but at my weaker times I have an attack over it and I'm scared to death.I'm also a single mom and leaving my 4 year old with her dad for 2 weeks scares me to death. I keep telling myself that it's only 2 weeks and it will better our future, but I'm still having a hard time with it. I've never been ****her north than North Carolina and have only been on an airplane twice in my life. I could use some reassurance if anyone can offer any. Thanks!
20 years ago 0 98 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Well, I am improving. I took my yoga class tonight and is was nearly 99.999% anxiety free. I had taken a small valium at 3:50, but the class was at 7:30. It had plenty of time to wear off. LOL. I love yoga and it goes along great with my workouts and is starting to help my problems with anxiety. I am still a little out of it, but I feel a good night sleep will help me. I had a horrible night of sleep last night. 4 1/2 hours tops. I'd say that's why I had a few moments of depersonalization type feelings tonight. I had them as a teen and younger but did not know what it was. I was a horrible sleeper when I was a youngster and often did not fall asleep until 4 a.m. on school nights. It was anxiety, but no one knew at the time. I also heard from my friend who went to lake Tahoe. She called while I was out and then called me back when my co-worker said I'd be back to work at 9. I'd say that's a positive in a relationship when a girl you just met less than two months ago calls you on her vacation from the other side of the country. I am in Florida. I was very happy to hear from her and was touched she took the time to call me. It topped off my night and I am looking forward to getting in my bed in about an hour and falling asleep for at least 7 hours. I have work in the morning and then another yoga class and then more main job. I have also done some documenting this week. I listed my sleeping patterns and my thoughts of certain days and possible reasoning for not sleeping well. I call 6 hours a good night. 5 or less is bad. Seven is amazing. I used to sleep for 10-12 hours while on meds. Way too much. I was unhealthy, had love handles, was sluggish and non-motivated. I was 190 pounds. I am now 155 and in amazing shape because I am more awake and more disciplined. Only drawback is there's more anxious feelings than before. But I had them on meds too. I am trying my best to make this work only using valium as needed. Thanks for sharing your stories and feelings and I hope you all start to improve as well. I'd love to hear any suggestions you may have and I will offer mine as well. One thing I know is this is a constant battle. Like my lead, you think you're just about better or at least not in a cycle and then it taps you on the shoulder a
20 years ago 0 109 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Vent away I was so upset over the same thing myself yesterday. Today started off shaky and I did not feel well but as the day progressed I slowly began to feel better. In my journal and notes I have documented the full moon. The problem is though I'm always looking for blame - I need to deal with the problem and realize there may not be a specific cause or reason. Hope it gets better for you quick. One thing I think we have to believe is that when we get to this stage - both you and I have made some remarkable progress we have to believe that these setbacks will be small and that it will be easier to get back to where we want to be each time because we're getting better.
20 years ago 0 377 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Does'nt that just **** you off?? When things are going good and you feel good and then just a tiny little thing can totally throw you off??!!?? GRRRR it is so frustrating to me!!!
20 years ago 0 98 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
I am just venting. Anyone who wants to share or help is free to do so. :) I had, for the most part, being doing very well for the last 2 weeks or so. I have taken up yoga, scaled down my hard workouts and even was lowering the amount of valium I was taking to a 1/2 maybe once or twice a day. I want to use it on an as needed basis only and not every day. I just recently met a nice girl and we have talked for like 2 months and have met twice. I had a rough few hours on Sunday night, but before that, on Thursday, my boss aggrivated the heck out of me with some news that I did not have Friday off like I felt I did, which by the way was my date night. That threw me off, but it ended up being her error and I was able to have off. But none the less, I was still thrown off my game, lost my composure and have been a bit off since I had a moment of depersonalization that night. I went to see The Aviator with my date on friday and the movie disturbed me a little because of the content with Howard Hughes having bad OCD. It was a little too familiar to me. But it was a great date and this relationship has possibilities. So I was sort of fine while I was off the last two days, but then it came time for the girl I have met to go on vacation. She's away until Sunday. Almost the instant we hung up the phone with her last night I felt so alone and then began to dissociate or have feelings of anxiety and/ or panic. I even tried to go to sleep early because all my days chores were done and I was in for the night. Did not happen. I ended up not sleeping well at all. I fell asleep around 1 and then woke up around 2, then fell back to sleep and have been up since 5 minutes to 6. I worked my second job this morning and had some anxiety. But nothing out of control. I realize that my not sleeping well is playing a big role here, but I really wish I could stop these setbacks. I take yoga tonight and I know that'll help. I have been there and some anxiety tried to seep in but I have been able to push it away. OK, I am done venting. Thanks to all those who listened, but I really can't talk about this to anyone where I am. This sort of goes along with my itchy or numb hand problem. I still have no idea if they are related. I went to the chiropractor tod

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