hello mate, don't give up,try seeing your doctor and tell him the latest,he/she might try you on a different medication.I know that when I was about your age my life had got pretty tough,I was doing an electrical apprenticeship working on building sites with pretty 'macho' men and I felt like I was coming apart. One of my best friends shot himself,my brother had got schizophrenia and the girl I was engaged to slept with another of my 'friends'.Then on top of that,I started getting panic attacks,which I thought would really finish me off.I'm 36 now and I'm still here!it has'nt been easy but because of the disorder and having to look at my self in a variety of different ways I know that I'm braver and more 'clued up' to life than most average people.Just remember that living with fear and facing it sets you apart from most,and when you believe this, it is quite an achievement "faith is the bird that sings even though the dawn is dark" Good Luck....Neil ( London )