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20 years ago 0 274 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
missdread; I can understand this dread really; because I too have had breast tumors removed. I went through a terrible time from 1993 to about 1997. It started with bleeding through the nipple spontaneously, then the old codger doctor I saw said to forget about it...yah yah, forget about blood all over your bras...later on I got scared and wondered if it was a side effect of medications...I was sent from one specialist to another. I had to suffer through a (ductogram)where they stick a needle in your duct directly, (very painful) pump your duct with stuff to take exrays of your vein system. It was a teaching hospital, and I had a whole bunch of young people standing around examining my breast as I sat in a chair. Then I suffered through surgery of removing certain vein structures, but they did not find any cancer. Then I got extra skin cells growing out of my nipple, and was sent to a plastic surgeon to cut them out. Then they all grew back plus more, and the plastic surgeon sent me to a specialist researcher at the Toronto Women's Hospital where they have discovered many things about breast cancer, especially a discovery of genetic links. First, this research doctor acted like I was making it up, or making it bleed somehow on purpose, and later apologized when they found a tumor right under the nipple, which had grown. Then I went for the third operation, and they took it out partially, and after examining it, they decided it was pre-cancerous and booked me in again to take the whole thing out, including the nipple. Over that number of years, yes, I had reason for anxiety. Since the last operation in 1997 I have had another tumor detected on the other side, but they said after a biopsy that it was not serious, and left it alone. I am living in another country now, so I believe here they don't do anything unless they have to. I was also enroled in some kind of a special research program into my type of tumor, as my grandmothers both had breast cancer. I also suspected that taking medications may have caused abnormal tumors. I was told that I had a special type of tumor that was very rare, and they put me on the research list. (not to mention some other weird diseases that I had that were also rare)...Since then, I have read on the internet that
20 years ago 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Diego, You have come to the right place! Please feel free to roam the site at your own pace. If you look to the left of the screen under "TOOLS" you will find many supportive tests. These tests are not diagnostic tools and are not a replacement or substitute for a physician's advice. The purpose of these tests is to prepare you with information that you can present to your physician. When you're finished the test, you can either print your Final Report or email it directly to your doctor. This would be beneficial for you appointment later. We also have developed a Panic Program. This program is 12-weeks and involves the tools mentioned above. Each session is based on the previous session, so we strongly advise that you work slowly through the program and not jump ahead. If you have any question or concerns with our €œTOOLS€, you can contact us at We are the Support Specialist for The Panic Center and are open to any questions or concerns you may have. Please post here often. Our online support group is amazing and very supportive. Josie
20 years ago 0 4 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi Dee, you are not alone things will get better dont give up. might take a while but you will have brighter days .keep your chin up
20 years ago 0 4 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
hi redface, im have my good and my bad days. today was both. went for a drive with son during rush hour didnt panic.what a ride laughed that i wasnt cursing im so glad i found this site. but the bad part found out going to have lump removed from breast next month trying not to get back in a funk was very depessed but with this site im handling much better. thanks for asking how have u been?
20 years ago 0 1 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
HI Guys ! My name is Diego, you can call me Dee. I just turned 20 and have been having panick attacks since October last year, but about a month ago they really got worse and I was really sad and clueless. Last saturday I felt like I'm in a dream and that everything is unreal and wrong around me, and that Im going crazy, and it hasn't changed eversince. It is a truly living nightmare and I hope that some day I can get over this... at least the "being in a dream 24/7" thing. It's really scary and frustrating. This friday is my first appointment with the phsyquiatrist. I just can't belive how much my life has changed in the past week. I feel hopeless and I seriously hope I'll be the way I was before. Somebody pleeeease tell me there's hope and that I'll get over it and not used to it... please
20 years ago 0 274 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Missdread, how are you? Just wondered what's happening in your life now?
20 years ago 0 274 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Missdread: hope things are going better for you lately. It must be terrible being housebound...I can relate to a certain extent, but now with medications and therapy I have improved. Are you getting better?
20 years ago 0 1521 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Karl :), You have come to the right place! Please feel free to roam the site at your own pace. If you look to the left of the screen under "TOOLS" you will find our Depression Test. This test is not a diagnostic tool and is not a replacement or substitute for a physician's advice. The purpose of these tests is to prepare you with information that you can present to your physician. When you're finished the test, you can either print your Final Report or email it directly to your doctor. If you have any question or concerns with our site or please contact Support Department at We are open to any questions or concerns you may have. Looking forward to hearing from you soon! Melanie _______________________________ The Panic Center Support Team.
20 years ago 0 6 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi everyone im Karl and im new to this site. I was just wondering if someone could give me some advice. 4 weeks ago i suddenly came over all funny, lightheaded, dizzy, shaky and at the time felt like i was going to die and i was pacing up and down and couldnt relax. Since then i have had about 4-5 panic attacks. Since then every day i have had these daily symptoms:- Diarrhea, shakiness severe fatigue i feel everyday that i have no energy, dizziness, lightheaded, feel faint, dry mouth, sometimes feel sick and get headaches, aches and pains, stomach pains. My doctor has done a stool sample and also 5 blood tests and found nothing and prescribed me antidepressants even though i am not depressed, does this mean i have nothing physically wrong with me? the doctor is referring me to a neurologist and phychitrist. Also i dont know whether this is worth mentioning but i have had problems with my wisdom teeth for 7 months and the pain has got very bad recently and my painkillers arnt working as well is it possible that the cheekbone pain and severe headaches i get due to these teeth have triggered off something? I am having them taken out in 3 weeks time i cannot wait, maybe i will feel better after that. Hope to hear back from someone soon.
20 years ago 0 274 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Missdread, I dread blushing in front of men. When I am medicated the dread is diminished, and as I went through this program it helped me to think about how I blow things out of proportion... but that's what creative minds tend to do, don't they....

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