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Fear of Medication

20 years ago 0 12 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi Jen, I am not sure if you check this site regularly still but I just stated today. I am 20 and I have had panic disorder now for 2 years. I need a support system too! Im scared of meds TOO! Reply Tara :)
20 years ago 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sadie, I have similar problem with meds -- I had to be on Xanax and was freaking out that I would be addicted. That made me so anxious I had to take more Xanax! Catch 22! But that was before I saw a psychiantrist, who then put me on Lexapro and Klonopin (to get me off Xanax) and it is working fine! You may ask your doc about Lexapro, it's a new antidipressant, similar to Paxil, but with fewer side effects. I'm on a very small dose and it's helping a lot. Also, I stopped going on the Internet and researching the drugs and possible side effects. I found it only made me more anxious didn't help at all. Of course, if you start noticing strange things, you should probably ask your doc about it. Good luck!
20 years ago 0 26 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Like others have already said, reading all of these postings my heart goes out to all of you because I can relate to everything that everyone has said. I have struggled with panic disorder since I was 11, and I am 21 now. Last year it got to where I just couldn't handle it on my own anymore. I went into the doctor, and she prescribed me prozac and xanax. I got the lowest dosages possible and it was a battle to take the prozac let me tell you. I never did take the xanax. The prozac did help me at that time, and after a few months I went off of it. Now, my anxiety, obessiveness, and derealization is FULL FORCE. I have always been TERRIFIED to take any sort of pill. I monitor my body like crazy if i even take an ibuprofin. Any time I feel anything unusual, I am on the internet, on the phone, or flipping through books trying to figure out what is wrong with me. Well not too long ago, I ate a lot of pineapple. Afterwards my tongue started to feel like it was being stabbed with needles. I told my mom, and she said, I hope your not having an allergic reaction to it. WELL, this set me into absolute PANIC. I called the hospital and they said to come in if my tongue was swelling or my throat was closing. I was panicking so hard that I couldn't tell if it was or not. I drove to the ER and just sat outside to see if anything serious happened. Well, the prickling went away, but now I am absolutely even more panicky about taking meds, and eating foods, especially foods that are highly allergitic to some people-seafood, strawberries and peanuts (all fo which I love). WEll I have been battleing this, and it feels like its getting pretty out of control, so I went to my dr. and she gave me prozac again. Same dosage even. Despite taking it in the past, I am terrified. This time, I did have side effects and an allergic reaction, which has dramatically increased my panic!!! I am on no meds now, but have made an appt. with a therapist, and am hoping to do this a more natural way. I am sorry this got so long, I just wanted to share my story because I know it helps me to read all of yours!!!! deedles
20 years ago 0 1 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi, everyone. I judt discovered this site after doing a Web search for fear of medication. I have long suffered from panic disorder, and was on Xanax (short term) and Prozac (8 years), which helped immensely. I decided to try to go off Prozac six months ago, and am once again having serious anxiety problems, which have caused my GERD to get really bad (and now the GERD is causing further anxiety)! I've been advised to take PPIs and go back on Prozac and a benzo, and I am totally paralyzed. I just can't bring myself to take the meds out of fear of a horrible allergic reaction. I have had allergic reactions to antibiotics and Zantac. But I can't understand why I'm afraid to take something I was on for years until very recently. I was on 3 PPIs and had side effects from each which my doctor says is highly unlikely. I guess it's comforting somehow to see that others are struggling with the same issues, although my heart goes out to all of you and I sincerely hope you can get through it and feel much better. Any suggestions about getting past the med phobia would be greatly appreciated. It's gotten so I'm even afraid to take something in the doctor's office, or sitting outside the ER.
20 years ago 0 12049 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Mom Goin Nuts, Thanks for sharing your story with us today. You will find that there is tons of support and encouragement on our site. Please feel free to start our "Panic Program" to the left of the screen, under "Tools". Here you will also find our Panic Test. This test is not a diagnostic tool and is not a replacement or substitute for a physician's advice. The purpose of these tests is to prepare you with information that you can present to your physician. When you're finished the test, you can either print your Final Report or email it directly to your doctor. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to post them here in the support group or e-mail us at If you continue to need extra support our Support Department is always available 24/7. Thanks for visiting us and we hope to hear from you again soon. Josie
20 years ago 0 364 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Mom, Mediphobic is hard!!! I recently had to start a new medication also, was on near panic for 4 hours after I took half my prescribed dosage, waiting for "side effects", but the effects were my anxiety rising. Finally after taking it for about 3 days, I started to ease into it. I dont know how bad of a reaction you had to the antibotic, or as you stated it could of been a severe panic attack. I have know of others you ask, and believe me, they will permit you too, to stay in the doctors office when you take your first dosage for people like us, expecting the worst, it somehow relieves the anxiety knowing your there in case medical help or an attack hits. On the other hand, if you wish to truly forgo all medications possible, best to find a cognitive therapist, one who you fully describe each and every attack, and teach you positive thoughts to counteract the negative ones, correct breathing exercises (those help with the smothering effect and anxiety over all), and general overall diet assessment, ie no caffine, smoking, make sure to eat 3 meals a day, skipping meals provokes more anxiety, mediation and exercise on regular basis like yoga, brisk walking. Good Luck Mom! We are all here to share our experiences and fears, and cheers when we accomplish even the slightest feat. Trish
20 years ago 0 1 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi, I know this seems to be an older topic but i was doing a search on anxiety and such and came across it and just reading some of this put me in tears because it was like some of you were describing the things i feel and such. Im 25, and have 2 children, 6 and 7. Last year i was real sick with a sinus infection, bronchitis, and duel ear infections and it was horrible. Well my doctor decided to perscribe this real expensive medication...somethng like Ciparo{sp?} well i took it and had an allergic reaction to it, although reading these things now, it almost seemed like a sevear panic attack. Anyhow, ever since then i wont even really touch asprin, i am trully terrified of medication. I went to a new doctor and he perscribed Paxil and something else and i tried as hard as i could to take it, but the attacks became much worse, so i stopped. And now i havent taken anything for about 10 months, and i have the attacks frequently. The main problem i have with them is tightness in my throat and the heart beat quickens and chest pains, and i feel like im gonna die or something. and its down right scarey. Does anyone know of anything i can do without messing with medications to help this out some?
20 years ago 0 25 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
fear of medication: I'm so glad to hear that others went through what I did. I admit that I did give in though and try Paxil. My panic attacks were coming everyday at that time and I would've done anything to be free of them. Unfortuneately, it made things so horrible. I had nightmares etc. and when I went off I got sent for a huge tail spin again. The meds are not for everyone!!! They may work for some... which is great... but by no means can everyone expect to have the same results because all of our brain chemistry is completely different. Isn't that what being human is all about? I decided to do it naturally and I am now living anxiety and panic free. I read the book "The Brain Chemistry Diet" and also got put on a program under orthomolecular medicine. After the Paxil episode, my doctor wanted to continue to try different ones until we "hit the mark". I decided no thanx, once was enough. and I'm so glad I made that choice. My doctor was great and supported my decisions because he just wanted me to be well. It is so important that we remain proactive when it comes to our bodies- because they are OUR bodies. If you check out the site orthomed. com there's some good info on it regarding drugless approaches if you feel the meds aren't for you. Remember knowledge is power- so hang in there and do lotx of research.
20 years ago 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Sadie23, Yikes! I thought I was the only one. I am just recently starting to get over the fear of meds. I too read all side effects, interactions, EVERYTHING!!! I have a panic disorder and wasn’t scared to take the paxil I "use to" be on but have always been scared to take a xanax or anything else. I finally started taking xanax a couple of weeks ago when feeling like an attack was approaching. I’ve been missing out cause it helps me sooo much. I still get scared to interact with anything though. For Example, I went to the dentist last Friday and before I go I have to take antibiotics. Now, I always have a panic attack @ the dentist but refused to take a xanax which I know helps me because im scared to take it with the antibiotics and that in itself gets me more into a panic. Meanwhile, one has nothing to do with the other. Nothing to be scared of. MIND OVER MATTER!!!! You have to tell yourself “the medication is helping me NOT hurting me”
20 years ago 0 3 logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo logo 0
Hi. I'm new to this support group, but just reading the posts gives me some comfort that there are people out there that feel the same way I do. I am 33 and I have had panic attacks since I was 16. My attacks started shortly after I had the flu and my doctor gave me penicillin and I ended up having an allergic reaction to it and my throat closed up. They shot adrenaline into my arm and I thought my heart was going to come out of my chest. Ever since then I check the labels on anything I have to take because I am always afraid that the med will have a difficulty breathing side affect. I suffer from migraines and most of the time I just deal with them because I am so afraid to take the meds. My husband thinks I'm crazy and doesn't understand this fear.

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