Taz, I havent been on it, but I know that it is a tricyclic anti-
Normally Dr's prescribe SSRI anti-depressants now a days, mainly
because they tend to have less side effects and are often more effective
first line treatment for panic disorder.
www.crazymeds.org says the following about the side effects of your
"Typical Side Effects: The anticholinergic effects typical when starting
TCAs - headache, nausea, sweating, dry mouth, sleepiness or
insomnia, and diarrhea or constipation and blurry vision. If you get
any, or all, of these, expect them to pass in a week or two. Weight gain
is common and constant. "
I suggest you have a look at what this site says about it as it tends to
come from a mixture of medical information as well as first hand users
So from what they say, its normal to have these kind of unpleasant side
effects for 1-2 weeks but they should pass. See your dr if its bothering
You may also want to ask your Dr as to why he/she chose Notryptaline
over SSRIs like Paxil, Zoloft, Luvox (if you are outside the US) or even
Prozac. Quite possibly there was a good reason, but its not that
Hope this helps you out. Im assuming you have PD as you are in this
forum,its a really tough thing to deal with. I wouldnt want to try the
herbal approach myself to be honest. St Johns Wort etc can be
effective for anxiety but I see it more as a long term solution once you
are already better, and even then there is conflicting medical evidence
as to whether or not it even works. It has side effects to in many