I had a strange day last week (plus my computer packed up on me so haven't been able to post for a while - grrr!).
As briefly as I can, one episode at a meeting made me realise how much people were taking me for granted (or that I was "allowing" myself to be taken for granted). Not only have people been treating me as almost invisible but one so-called friend actually physically leaned against me THREE TIMES!! :gasp: I'm someone who usually needs at least 10 yards of personal space! ;) Anyway, my other friend gave me a lift home and I was greeted by my daughter who ALSO started to demand my attention - even the dog was sitting, staring at me - just wanting something from me! Now, as an agoraphobic, I haven't been out on my own for a few years now BUT my anger and rage built up so high that I thought "If I don't get out of here, by myself, I'm going to finally flip" ... so I did!! I just walked out the door, by myself and KEPT walking - and felt absolutely GREAT!When I got home I was calm and collected and not weak-legged at all!! Unfortunately, this hasn't happened since then but at least I know I CAN do it! I also know that anger isn't the answer - but it certainly helped me on that day!!
Hey ho!!
Wendy xxxx